17 examples of fynd in sentences

It is true that wee fynd not in the Scripture these words.

And that it is so, let us somewhat, or a little serch and seeke out the beginning of daunses, and we shal fynd that men cannot geue them a better nor more apt and proper definition, then that which hath bene brought heretofore.

For if wee would in this matter refer our selues to them, which haue written of the antiquities, as well of the Grecians as of the Romains, yea, and that to some Poets, wee shall fynd how that daunses haue taken their begynning, from Pagans and Heathen men, which haue then first used them, when they did sacrifyce to their Gods.

which thing we shall easily fynd, if we consider the most ordinary & common effectes of daunsing.

These three poyntes being dispatched we fynd and see cleerely, what affinity & agreement there is, betweene these twoo maners of daunses.

Fit matter for his cares increase would fynd, Let reade the rufull plaint herein exprest, Of one, I weene, the wofulst man alive, Even sad Alcyon*, whose empierced brest Sharpe sorrowe did in thousand peeces rive.

My bread shall be the anguish of my mynd, 375 My drink the teares which fro mine eyes do raine, My bed the ground that hardest I may fynd; So will I wilfully increase my paine.

Such labour like the spyders web I fynd, Whose fruitlesse worke is broken with least wynd.

Mongst whome the more I seeke to settle peace, The more I fynd their malice to increace.

I seeke the fields with her late footing synd; I seeke her bowre with her late presence deckt; Yet nor in field nor bowre I can her fynd, Yet field and bowre are full of her aspect.

But when myne eyes I therunto direct, They ydly back return to me agayne; And when I hope to see theyr trew obiect, I fynd my self but fed with fancies vayne.

Thereby they all do live, and moved are To multiply the likenesse of their kynd, 100 Whilest they seeke onely, without further care, To quench the flame which they in burning fynd; But man, that breathes a more immortall mynd, Not for lusts sake, but for eternitie, Seekes to enlarge his lasting progenie.

and lend unto my mynd Leave to bethinke how great that Beautie is, Whose utmost* parts so beautifull I fynd; How much more those essentiall parts of His, His truth, his love, his wisedome, and his blis, 110 His grace, his doome**, his mercy, and his might, By which he lends us of himselfe a sight!

That in nought else on earth they can delight, But in th'aspect of that felicitie Which they have written in theyr inward ey; 285 On which they feed, and in theyr fastened mynd All happie ioy and full contentment fynd.

whyche I fynd, indeede, as I haue heard you often defende in worde, neither so harde nor so harshe, that it will easily and fairely yeelde it selfe to oure moother tongue.

Frends we mett, frends we parte: if you please me I may prayse you, if you seeke me you may fynd me, a loves littill that loves longe; and so I leave you to the tuytion.

One thinge woonders mee That I should fynd you neare Marcellis heare, When I was aym'd for Florens; where your letters Inform'd mee you were planted.

17 examples of  fynd  in sentences