6 examples of fytte in sentences

The Enchanted Shirt Fytte the First: wherein it shall be shown how the Truth is too mighty a Drug for such as he of feeble temper.

Fytte the Second: tells of the search for the Shirt and how it was nigh found but was not, for reasons which are said or sung.

" Fytte the Third: shewing how His Majesty the King came at last to sleep in a Happy Man his Shirt.

Spencer, Daphnaida (in seven fyttes, 1590).

He was also himself the author of more than one imitation of the old ballads, one of which is mentioned by Johnson in a letter to Mr. Langton: "Dr. Percy has written a long ballad in many fits [fyttes].

A SORROWFUL FYTTE From 'Boethius' Lo!

6 examples of  fytte  in sentences