41 examples of gadget in sentences

"Yes, Fritzie got it at Jutland; but these new mark gadgets are top-hole.

" He stretched out the gadget in question and patted it affectionately.

DEAR MR. PUNCH,Aware as you must be of a deplorable confusion now prevailing in the public mind as to the true inwardness of the expressions "gadget" and "stunt," you will agree, I am sure, that the moment has come for a clear and authoritative ruling on this vexed point.

What notion, then, of "gadget" and "stunt" is gained by the young subaltern of today as he joins his regiment and shakes down to the fundamental facts of life and death?

For every stunt an appropriate countering gadget.

"Ha, ha!" laughs he, and dons that unlovely but priceless gadget, his box-respirator.

But by no means all gadgets have just one peculiar stunt to counter; such a definition would exclude, for instance, the height-gauge on a plane, which is emphatically, wholly and eternally a gadget of gadgets.

The airman's "joystick" is a gadget; the tank is not.

Gadget, man, gadget!" Three days later the hapless boy found himself desired to resign on the grounds of "gross ignorance of military terminology.

Gadget, man, gadget!" Three days later the hapless boy found himself desired to resign on the grounds of "gross ignorance of military terminology.

William afflicted their gun teams with his little Hotchkiss gadget, then prepared to gallop them.

The last word in submarine gadgets.

Full of gadgets too.

" "We have here," he said immediately, "the Gadget coat.

GHIRARDI, ALFRED A. Auto-radio pocket trouble shooter gadget.

Home-radio pocket trouble shooter gadget.

GHIRARDI, ALFRED A. Radio world time indicator gadget, by A. A. Ghirardi & E. Lyford.

LYFORD, E. Radio world time indicator gadget.

GHIRARDI, ALFRED A. Auto-radio pocket trouble shooter gadget.

Home-radio pocket trouble shooter gadget.

GHIRARDI, ALFRED A. Radio world time indicator gadget, by A. A. Ghirardi & E. Lyford.

LYFORD, E. Radio world time indicator gadget.

"The entire gadget is defective.

These last are after satisfying the two chief desires of primitive man by the very latest gadgets in scientific legislation.

Broadly speaking, they must pick their way warily through the maze of artifacts, gadgets and gimmicks produced by human ingenuity during the current world revolution.

41 examples of  gadget  in sentences