33 examples of galeries in sentences

The vases and other ornaments should have the light all round them, as in the Galerie d'Apollon at the Louvre.

With this project in view, he collected much material, and actually published, tentatively, two interesting brochures: Une Année à Florencein 1841, and Les Galeries de Florencein 1842.

Dumas, A., Les Galeries de Florence.

I was standing, one day, in the old Galerie des Machines, with a young engineer from Boston.

As for the French women, every time I picked what I took to be a real Parisienne coming toward me I'd hear her say as she passed: 'Henry, I'm going over to the Galerie Lafayette.

Great establishments like the Galeries Lafayette had disbanded their armies of girls and even many of the factories in the outer suburbs, like Charenton and La Villette, had suspended work, because their mechanics and electricians and male factory hands had been mobilized at the outset of the war.

VERNET, M. A. La galerie des rois.

VERNET, M. A. La galerie des rois.

Once there, however, she braced up enough to say: "And only think, madame, a woman out there told me that the Germans who were here last week were all chauffeurs at the Galeries Lafayette and other big shops in Paris, and that they not only knew all the country better than we do, they knew us all by name.

[Footnote: Deux de ces galeries ou portiques, que l'auteur appelle cloîtres, subsistent encore aujourd'hui, ainsi que les colonnes.

Il traversa l'angle de la cour, et vint dans une galerie l'on avoit préparé un siège pour lui. C'étoît

Les autres officiers qui dans ces jours- font partie de son cortège entrèrent également dans la galerie, et ils allèrent se ranger le long des murs, aussi

Pendant ce temps, messire Bénédict avançoit lentement vers la galerie.

A mesure que ceux de la galerie entendoient quelque chose qui leur plaisoit, ils poussoient à leur manière des cris épouvantables.

Quand nous eûmes passé la porte nous les trouvâmes tous quatre assis en dehors de la galerie, sur un pièce de bois qui se trouvoit .

Le seigneur étoit, comme la première fois, sur son siége; mais il n'y avoit avec lui dans la galerie que ceux de ses gens qui lui servoient à manger.

Quand d'autres volumes se seront joints à celui-ci, de façon à rendre l'oeuvre un peu moins incomplète, cette série d'empreintes, vaguement disposées dans un certain ordre chronologique, pourra former une sorte de galerie de la médaille humaine.

Galerie des contemporains illustres.

There were armed men standing inside them, armed men on the platforms and steps, armed men even on the roofs and it was indeed a strange sight to see Madeleine-Bastille and the Galeries Lafayette out here in the open country, jammed full of grim infantrymen preparing for the fray.

"Versailles Galeries Historiques," par C. Gavard, is a work of 13 vols., devoted to the illustration of the pictures, portraits, statues, busts, and various decorative contents of the Palace.

The "arcades" referred to were removed in 1830, and the brilliant 'Galerie d'Orléans' built in their place.

The shop-boys in the Palais Royal were already taking down the shuttersthe great book-stall at the end of the Galerie Vitrée showed signs of wakefulness; and in the Place du Louvre there was already a detachment of brisk little foot-soldiers at drill.

At the further extremity of the square, near the Galerie Vitrée and close beside the little newspaper kiosk, stood a large tree since cut down, which at that time served as an advertising medium, and was daily decorated with a written placard, descriptive of the contents of the Moniteur, the Presse, and other leading papers.

ARSÈNE HOUSSAYE: Galerie du XVIIIe siècle.

Au reste, je viens seulement de le rencontrer, plus mort que vif, qui traversoit la galerie pour aller chez lui.

33 examples of  galeries  in sentences