145 examples of gallos in sentences

The first of Charlemagne's grand designs, the territorial security of the Gallo-Frankish and Christian dominion, was accomplished.

War was resolved upon, and the Emperor collected his troopsAlemannians, Saxons, Thuringians, Burgundians, and Aquitanians, without counting Franks or Gallo-Romans.

The new Gallo-Frankish community recovered, under the mighty but gradual influence of Christianity, its proper and natural course, producing disruption into different local communities and bold struggles for individual liberties, either one with another, or against whosoever tried to become their master.

Attempts at foreign invasion of France were renewed very often and in many parts of Gallo-Frankish territory during the whole duration of the Carlovingian dynasty, and, even though they failed, they caused the population of the kingdom to suffer from cruel ravages.

Duke Renaud, general of the Gallo-Frankish troops, went to encounter him on the banks of the Eure, and sent to him, to sound his intentions, Hastings, the newly made count of Chartres.

" Hastings returned to the Gallo-Frankish army, and Rollo prepared to march on Paris.

We do not possess, in reference to these continual struggles of the Northmen with the Gallo-Frankish populations, any other document which is equally precise and complete, or which could make us so well acquainted with all the incidents, all the phases of this irregular warfare between two peoples, one without a government, the other without a country.

En Sevilla en el mismo atrio de Santa Inés, y mientras esperaba que comenzase la Misa del Gallo, esta tradición á una demandadera del convento.

[Footnote 3: la Misa del Gallo.

The introduction of the word gallo has reference to the early cockcrowing.

Compare the expression al primer gallo, at midnight.

Él tiene una gran devoción por esta ceremonia de la Misa del Gallo, y cuando levantan la Sagrada Forma al punto y hora de las doce, que es cuando vino al mundo Nuestro Señor Jesucristo ...

III Buenas noches, mi señora doña Baltasara; ¿también usarced viene esta noche á la Misa del Gallo?

El esquilón llamaba á voz herida á los fieles desde la torre, y alguna que otra rara persona atravesaba el atrio silencioso y desierto esta vez, y después de tomar el agua bendita en la puerta, escogiá un puesto en un rincón de las naves, donde unos cuantos vecinos del barrio esperaban tranquilamente que comenzara la Misa del Gallo.

Oidlo; qué, ¿no estuvísteis anoche en la Misa del Gallo?

gallardía, f., gallantry. gallo, m., cock, rooster; Misa del Gallo, midnight mass on Christmas eve.

gallardía, f., gallantry. gallo, m., cock, rooster; Misa del Gallo, midnight mass on Christmas eve.

The middle-class influence originated in a Gallo-Roman corporation.

All the gold and silver furniture, all the jewels, and all the rich stuffs which the Gallo-Romans had amassed in their sumptuous dwellings, had not been destroyed by the barbarians.

In the same manner as the Gallo-Roman houses, the palaces of the Frank kings and principal nobles of ecclesiastical or military order had thermes, or bath-rooms: to the thermes were attached a colymbum, or washhouse, a gymnasium for bodily exercise, and a hypodrome, or covered gallery for exercise, which must not be confounded with the hippodrome, a circus where horse-races took place.

All the monuments and relics of the Gallo-Roman civilisation, which the great Emperor had collected, disappeared in the civil wars, or were gradually destroyed by the devastations of the northerners.

The schooner passed within sight of the Liparian archipelago; then, twisting its course toward the west, followed the coast of Sicily, from Cape Gallo to the Cape of Vito.

I must haste to give congratulations to the Señor Jack, that he will have opportunity to wring the necks of those loud-crowing gallos of the Pacheco thatches.

In the midst of the Serpents Mouth, where the admiral now anchored, there was a rock which he called El Gallo, or the cock.

The San Gallo gate is that by which the hearse that conveys the day's dead to the cemetery on the slope of the Apennine leaves the city every night.

145 examples of  gallos  in sentences