4 examples of game-bird in sentences

At this rate it took them a week to shoot a breakfast; but to see them sally forth, splendid in velveteen and corduroy, with top-boots and a complete harness of green cord and patent-leather straps, you would have imagined that all game-birds were about to become extinct in that region.

Among the trees was the guan, another peculiar bird as big as a big grouse, and with certain habits of the wood-grouse, but not akin to any northern game-bird.

ARGUS, a pheasant, a beautiful Oriental game-bird, so called from the eye-like markings on its plumage.

CAPERCAILZIE, the wood-grouse, a large game-bird found in fir woods in mountainous districts, and highly esteemed for table.

4 examples of  game-bird  in sentences