166 examples of gamesters in sentences

I play over again for love, as the gamesters phrase it, games, for which I once paid so dear.

She was none of your lukewarm gamesters, your half and half players, who have no objection to take a hand, if you want one to make up a rubber; who affirm that they have no pleasure in winning; that they like to win one game, and lose another; that they can while away an hour very agreeably at a card-table, but are indifferent whether they play or no; and will desire an adversary, who has slipt a wrong card, to take it up and play another.

He saw not only gambling for much higher stakes than could be right for any lady to venture (the queen did not play herself), but he saw those who took part in the play lose their tempers over their cards and quarrel with one another; while he heard the hostess herself accused of cheating, the gamesters forgetting the respect due to their queen in their excitement and intemperance.

His muffled flight drove in the sentries of the crap-shooters, and gamesters blinked out their lights and listened to his feet stumbling on through the darkness.

And yet by your favour the gamesters are cald the wits now.

The best sport in it is the gamesters, and he enjoys it that looks on and bets not.

The betters are the factious noise of the alley, or the gamesters bedesmen that pray for them.

It was a superb assemblage of gamesters and fopsknaves and fools; and it is difficult to say which, element predominated.

And in conclusion (which Charles the Seventh, that good French king, published in an edict against gamesters) unde piae et hilaris vitae, suffugium sibi suisque liberis, totique familiae, &c. "That which was once their livelihood, should have maintained wife, children, family, is now spent and gone;" maeror et egestas, &c., sorrow and beggary succeeds.

If you walk along by the walls you will hear the conversation of the gamesters and the joyous clink of the gold pieces.

But he has in reality selected gamesters; he has selected exiles; he has selected Greeks.

He is protecting the interests of his buffoons and gamesters and pimps.

We are mad gamesters in this world below, All hopes on one uncertain die to throw; How vain is man's pursuit, with passion blind, To follow that which leaves us still behind!

A self accusing spirit bowed her to the earth, with the sharpest of all griefsa mother's anguish for an only childlost to her, as gamesters lose fortunesthrown away by her own hand.

All the highways are filled with gamesters at mall, so that walkers are in some danger of knocks....

"A man that cannot Fence will be more careful to keep out of Bullies and Gamesters Company, and will not be half so apt to stand upon Punctilio's."Ib., p. 357.

Men caught drunk had their hair cut off; blasphemous and reckless gamesters were branded with a red-hot iron; and the women were shut up in separate tents.

A Letter against Gamesters, signed William Trusty.

Tho' to tell thee the Truth, I am confoundedly afraid that as the love of Mony prevails in our Island more than it did in Persia, we should find that some of our greatest Men would chuse out the Portions, and rival one another for the richest Piece of Deformity; and that on the contrary, the Toasts and Belles would be bought up by extravagant Heirs, Gamesters and Spendthrifts.

Thy Works in Chloe's Toilet gain a part, And with his Tailor share the the Fopling's Heart: Lash'd in thy Satire, the penurious Cit Laughs at himself, and finds no harm in Wit: From Felon Gamesters the raw Squire is free, And Britain owes her rescu'd Oaks to thee.

They cannot be numbered among the gamesters; for though they are always at play, they play for nothing, and never rise to the dignity of hazard or the reputation of skill.

The gamesters, if they were united, would make a formidable body; and, since they consider men only as beings that are to lose their money, they might live together without any wish for the officiousness of gallantry or the delights of diversified conversation.

Dire disgrace and infamy, if my Lord Protector's spies once more came upon the gamesters in her houseunawares.

All the Gamesters here good fortune.

But now if these Cheaters perceaue that he esteemeth no bruised ware, but is enamored with virginity, they haue a fine cast within an houres warning, to make Ione Siluerpin as good a maide as if she had neuer come to the stewes: but to let these things passe, for offending of chast eares, whose displeasure I would not incurre, for all the cheates these gamesters get in a whole yeare.

166 examples of  gamesters  in sentences