72 examples of gangrene in sentences

The uninjured men attended to the wounded as well as they could under the adverse circumstances, but from want of proper treatment, evidences of gangrene appeared in some of the wounds on the sixth day.

Gangrene had begun to eat away the flesh of the head above the temple, and poor Wesley was unrecognizable.

" January, 1855, he says, "Fever and bowel affections indicated morbid action; scurvy and gangrene indicated privation and exposures.

I was still on duty at Versa, but the conversation in the R.A.M.C. Mess bored me, particularly at meals; it was all sputum and latrines, gas gangrene and the relative seniority of the doctors one to another.

There are diseases of animal nature, which nothing but amputation can remove; so there may, by the depravation of human passions, be sometimes a gangrene in collective life, for which fire and the sword are the necessary remedies; but in what can skill or caution be better shown, than preventing such dreadful operations, while there is yet room for gentler methods!

On Sept. 22 he wrote to Mrs. Thrale:'If excision should be delayed, there is danger of a gangrene.

Earth, that in France or Gallipoli hid the germs of gangrene and tetanus, here merely produced a mild infection.

sore, ulcer, abscess, fester, boil; pimple, wen &c (swelling) 250; carbuncle, gathering, imposthume^, peccant humor, issue; rot, canker, cold sore, fever sore; cancer, carcinoma, leukemia, neoplastic disease, malignancy, tumor; caries, mortification, corruption, gangrene, sphacelus^, sphacelation^, leprosy; eruption, rash, breaking out. fever, temperature, calenture^; inflammation.

I believe in the life which ceaselessly eliminates hurtful substances, which makes new flesh to fill the holes eaten away by gangrene, which infallibly advances toward health, toward constant renovation, amid impurities and death.

The same perversion of the representative principle pollutes the composition of the colleges of electors of President and Vice President of the United States, and every department of the government of the Union is thus tainted at its source by the gangrene of slavery.

The same perversion of the representative principle pollutes the composition of the colleges of electors of President and Vice President of the United States, and every department of the government of the Union is thus tainted at its source by the gangrene of slavery.

On 20th August, 1715, he was attacked by senile gangrene, which gradually spread up the leg until on the 30th it became fatal.

Hospital gangrene set in among the wounded, and fever among the sick, so that the soldiers said, "To send a poor fellow to the hospital is to send him to death.

They did not come in scorbutic, like their predecessors; and they had no reason to dread hospital gangrene or fever.

"The senator should not let the wounds from his political fights gangrene," suggested Whitney, with good-humored raillery.

A slight inflammation in one of his toes, became, from neglect, a gangrene.

He says that "here is the patent flaw, here too plainly is the flagrant blemish, which defaces and degrades the very crown and flower of George Eliot's wonderful and most noble work; no rent or splash on the raiment, but a cancer in the very bosom, a gangrene in the very flesh.

A quack had brought a remedy which would cure gangrene, he said.

The very Substance of the Soul is festered with them, the Gangrene is gone too far to be ever cured; the Inflammation will rage to all Eternity.

As I passed, with my pitcher, I saw one man delerious, and expectorating, profusely, a matter green as grass could beknew this was hospital gangrene, and remembered all Dr. Palmer had told me years before, of his experience in Paris hospitals, and the antidotes to that and scurvey poison.


Hospital gangrene, and half a box of lemons!"

" I went to the head nurse whom I had scolded in the morning, who now gave me writing materials, and I wrote a short note to the New York Tribune: "Hospital gangrene has broken out in Washington, and we want lemons!

I received so many, that at one time there were twenty ladies, several of them with ambulances, distributing those which came to my address, and if there was any more hospital gangrene that season I neither saw nor heard of it.

GANGRENE, the first stage of mortification in any part of a living body.

72 examples of  gangrene  in sentences