3 examples of garbanzos in sentences

In the tropical ports, the crews surfeited with bananas, pineapples, and alligator-pears, would greet with enthusiasm the apparition of a great frying pan of rice with cod and potatoes, or a casserole of rice from the oven with its golden crust perforated by the ruddy faces of garbanzos and points of black sausage.

a darle sus garbanzos a la cotorrita ... que si me gusta por algo es porque de todas las del barrio es la única que no picotea el gabacho.

may it do you good *provocar* provoke *proyecto* m. project, plan *prudencia* f. prudence *prudente* prudent *prueba* f. proof *publicar* publish *público* public *puchero* m. small pot; Spanish stew (of which one of the principal ingredients is usually the *garbanzo* or chick-pea.

3 examples of  garbanzos  in sentences