72 examples of gare in sentences

Still lost in thought and inattentive, Dupont entrained for Nimes and at that station changed to the rapide for Lyons, where duly at four o'clockwith Lanyard still a discreet shadowhe alighted in the Gare de Perrache.

The first time was when, leaving the hotel to seek the post office and despatch his letter to London, he found himself suddenly face to face with Dupont, who was seated at a café table near the hotel entrance and narrowly scrutinising all who passed in and out; covering this occupation with affected interest in the gossip of his companion, the little rat man of the Gare de Perrache.

In the Gare de Perrache Lanyard witnessed an affecting farewell scene between the little man and Dupont.

With some editing in the way of punctuation, it follows: "Dear old bean:Please advise Prefecture de Police without revealing your source of information, unidentified man found murdered on rapide arriving Gare de Lyon eight-thirty this morning stopped yesterday Hôtel Terminus, Lyons, under name of Comte de Lorgnes.

How he had walked beside me and seemed on the point of speaking, later, in the Gare du Nord.

If he possessed the skill and quick deftness of a conjurer or a marvellously clever professional pickpocket, as well as the incentive of a paid spy, he might conceivably have done the trick at the moment of alarm on the boat's gangway, not afterwards; for when he had pressed near me in the Gare du Nord he had been on the wrong side.

Though I could not understand any reason for his tricking me, still I told myself that nobody else could have done it, and I decided to go back at once to the Gare du Nord.

There was nothing to do but go back to the Gare du Nord, and question more porters and cabmen.

Two hours later I bought my ticket at the Gare de Lyon for the little town chosen by Balzac as the scene for his delicious story of Ursule Mirouet.

So from Charing Cross to the Gare du Nord, Placidia, as we christened her, became our care.

Gare de Lyon (Lyons railway terminus).

Gare d'Orléans (Orleans railway terminus.)

Gare Montparnasse (Western railway terminus).

Gare de Strasbourg (Eastern railway terminus).

Gare de Vincennes (Vincennes railway terminus).

Boulevard de la Gare: No. 131.

One autumn evening she arrived at the Gare de l'Ouest with Jean and her boxes and baskets, an upright, hard-featured, fierce-eyed figure, all ready to defend the child against all sorts of imaginary perils.

She put the broth on the top shelf of the pantry and wrote on a piece of paper, 'Gare!'

The great square in front of the Gare du Nord, which was being used as a barracks, was guarded by a line of sentries, and no one but Germans in uniform were permitted to cross it.

A rumour had come that the people were to be given five days' notice to leave their houses within the zone of fortifications, and to add to the menace of impending horrors an aeroplane had dropped bombs upon the Gare de l'Est that afternoon.

The Kilties were the wonder of Paris, and their knees were under the fire of a multitude of eyes as they went swinging to the Gare du Nord

As we approached La Villette and drew into the Gare de l'Est everybody noticed the extraordinary number of locomotives that were getting up steam in the yards.

Presently we observed that the platforms of freight and express depots had been swept clear of every obstacles and the usually encumbered Gare de l'Est was clean and empty as the hand of man could make it.

Suddenly, his eyes clouded; he turned abruptly away, left the room without looking at another picture, and was soon hurrying through the crowded streets northward towards the Gare Saint-Lazare.

Amid these memories and agitations, he found himself presently at the Gare Saint-Lazare, taking his ticket at the guichet.

72 examples of  gare  in sentences