28 examples of gargling in sentences

If your Germans can show us anything comparable to what I have transcribed, I would almost undergo a year's gargle of their language for it.

The French and other continentals have a habit of gargling the mouth; but it is a custom which no English gentlewoman should, in the slightest degree, imitate.

The inside of the throat is to be constantly gargled with salt and water.

"You look as if you'd been gargling a bottle of ink," I told him. "Don't talk, you can't do two things at once.

Out on the lake I could hear the voice now calling help, and it sounded creepy, like a person trying to call while he's gargling.

But the committing of such high and brave sensed poems to a schoolboy (whose main business is to search out cunningly the Antecedent and the Relative; to lie at catch for a spruce Phrase, a Proverb, or a quaint and pithy Sentence) is not only to very little purpose, but that having gargled only those elegant books at school, this serves them instead of reading them afterwards; and does, in a manner, prevent their being further looked into.

"For goodness' sake, don't start gargling now.

He gargled sharply, and jumped back about five feet.


V. be watery &c adj.; reek. add water, water, wet; moisten &c 339; dilute, dip, immerse; merge; immerge, submerge; plunge, souse, duck, drown; soak, steep, macerate, pickle, wash, sprinkle, lave, bathe, affuse^, splash, swash, douse, drench; dabble, slop, slobber, irrigate, inundate, deluge; syringe, inject, gargle.

Do not attempt, you, the Renovator of Art, to defend that ancient high authority on sentimental gargling!

Is your throat ulcerated, use vinegar as a gargle.

and sure enough there it was, that gargling crescendo of a whistle followed by a mighty crash, considerably nearer.

A French gentleman not only washes his filthy hands at table, but, after gulping a mouthful, and using it as a gargle, squirts it into the basin standing before him, and the company, who may see the charybdis or maelstrom he has made in it, and the floating filth he has discharged, and which is now whirling in its vortex.

It's more'n likely it'll get me into evil company or gimme some bad habit, and I'll gargle off before I've had a chance to spend it.

He heaved a sigh, then he gargled a laugh that sounded like boilin' mush.

In a fondouk outside the gate a waking camel lifted a gargling wail.

The life of the gate was already at full tide of sound and colour, braying, gargling, quarrellingnomads wading in their flocks, Djlass countrymen, Singalese soldiers, Jewish pack-peddlers, Bedouin women bent double under their stacks of desert fire-grass streaming inward, dust white, dust yellow, and all red in the dawn under the red wall.

Have you ever tried gargling with salt water?" SKIPPER: "Yus, I've been torpedoed six times.

Let those which only warble long, And gargle in their throats a song, Content themselves with Ut, Re, Mi: Let words, and sense, be set by thee. 'Lawes': an eminent musical composer, who composed the music for Milton's Comus. 'Noy': Attorney-General to Charles I., had died in 1635.

L. E. D.The expressed juice, or a decoction of these roots, has been recommended in calculous complaints, and as a gargle for infants in aphtous affections or excoriations of the mouth; and a poultice of scraped carrots has been found an useful application to phagedenic ulcers, and to cancerous and putrid sores.

The red sage, mixed with honey and vinegar, is used for a gargle in sore throats.

At fashionable tables, men and women in gorgeous clothes, who speak four or five languages, actually rinse their mouths and gargle at the table, and then slop the water thus used back into these bowls.

It sounds like a gargle.

The cluck and coo of the cuckoo, the bubbling song of bobolink in buff and black, the watery trill of the stream-loving swamp-sparrow, the whispered whistle of the stealthy, darkness-haunting whippoorwill, the gurgle and gargle of the cow-bunting,he knew each and all, better than did Audubon, Nuttall, or Wilson.

28 examples of  gargling  in sentences