Do we say garret or garrote

garret 552 occurrences

On the second floor, a garret-window lighted Félicité's room, which looked out upon the meadows.

To the garret with those peacocks.

Then there will be an intervalafter which a garret, a charcoal brazier, and the Morgue.

A great man is a great house with too much garret and his head full of nothing but lumber: if he be too round agen hees only fitt to be hung upp in a Christall glasse.

It waswho knew how long, since the pretty bathing-suit had been taken down from the garret nails?

" "I don't assert that it was; but with the bolt on Gertrude's door, the cat in the kitchen, and the rat-trap on the garret stairs, I am strongly inclined to anticipate a peaceful night.

I took out the fire-board and looked up the chimney; I took out the register and looked down the furnace-pipe; I ransacked the garret and the halls; finally, I examined Miss Fellows's door,it was locked as I had left it, upon the outside; and that locked door was the only means of egress from the room, unless the occupant fancied that of jumping from a two-story window upon a broad flight of stone steps.

It came from the blue chest up garret.

She would go away up garret and sit with her fingers in her ears, that she might not hear the frogs chanting in the swamp at twilight.

Mrs. Lane was strong and energetic and commonplace; and she ran the little house from garret to cellar with a thoroughness that left Phebe no part whatever to take in it, while the remainder of her energy she devoted to nursing her invalid sister, Miss Lydia,

[q] The garret and the gaol.

I like to sit in front of my fire of an evening and wonder about it while I smoke my pipe, and fancy I can see the murderer hiding in a garret in an out-of-the-way alley, or as a stowaway on board a gert ship, or as a miner deep down in a coalpit, and never thinking that even there t'police can track him.

DEATH IN A LONDON LODGING 'Yes, Sir, she's gone at last'twas only five minutes ago We heard her sigh from her corner,she sat in the kitchen, you know: We were all just busy on breakfast, John cleaning the boots, and I Had just gone into the larderbut you could have heard that sigh Right up in the garret, sir, for it seemed to pass one by Like a puff of windmay be 'twas her soul, who knows

From a garret-window in the loft of the parsonage, the eye commanded a view of the whole village.

But he soon discovered that the garret-window was also a post of observation for Veronica, for to their mutual embarrassment, they caught one another climbing cautiously up the wooden stair-case, or slipping under the dusty joists.

The old man rented a large garret in an old house, and Cosette became inexpressibly happy with her doll and with the good man who loved her so tenderly.

These two beings led a wonderfully happy life in the old garret; Cosette would chatter, laugh, and sing all day.

" I stumbled after Mr. Jones up a dark, narrow, iron staircase till we emerged through a trap-door into a garret at the top of the house.

It should be borne in mind that a knowledge of the futile attempts at electric telegraphs previous to his successful one has been brought out from the lumber garret of science by the research of eighteen years.

He set to work in his garret, an inconvenient room, "because," he said, "in that room only I never saw Mrs. Johnson."

Senator GARRET DAVIS took the floor, and made a neat speech of three days and a half in opposition to the bill.

and, flying up the stairs to the dusty garret, she drew from a huge oaken chest a scarlet coat which had belonged to the former owner of the place, who little thought, as he sat in state, that his favorite coat would one day furnish material for the emblem of American freedom!

There are heaps of the queerest clothes in the big oaken chest in the garret.

But in the act of searching in the garret of the wine-shop among the effects of a departed relative the great discovery had been made.

R71054, 4Dec50, Joseph Hergesheimer (A) PRICE, Garret.

garrote 11 occurrences

The universal use of both cold and hot external and internal remedies in various inflammatory states puts the garrote at once on the babbling throat of the senseless assertion of the homaeopathists, and stultifies for all time the nickname "allopathy.

"They'll call you a filibuster and garrote you.

"If I was not certain that I would need you later I'd garrote you where you sit.

Firme en esta idea, había decidido no volver á decir palabra sobre el asunto á nadie, ni por nada; pero lo haré hoy por satisfacer vuestra curiosidad, y á fe á fe que después de todo, si el diablo me lo toma en cuenta, y torna á molestarme en castigo de mi indiscreción, buenos Evangelios llevo cosidos á la pellica, y con su ayuda creo que, como otras veces no me será inútil el garrote.

garrote, m., cudgel, stick, staff.

to urge upon the turnkeys the use of the Spanish garrote in place of the present distressing gallows; to find the proportion of Orthodox and Unitarian prisoners to those of other persuasions."

He was taken to Havana, and died by garrote in the little fortress La Punta.

" "Who was the person you sentenced?" "He was a young fellow that undertook to garrote a man who had won his money at cards.

Turning next to the matter of the women's wards, I said: "A patient in this warda man in his right mind, who leaves here on Tuesday nexttold me that a woman patient told him that she had seen many a helpless woman dragged along the floor by her hair, and had also seen them choked by attendants who used a wet towel as a sort of garrote.

It wouldn't be safe for ye to git up and go out, for they'll folly ye and garrote ye afore ye could raich a safe place.

For the robber, garrote him!

Do we say   garret   or  garrote