10 examples of gasthaus in sentences

He made his way across the road to the little Gasthaus, and, as he went, faces and figures of former schoolfellows,German, Swiss, Italian, French, Russian,slipped out of the shadowy woods and silently accompanied him.

And, as he crossed before the Gasthaus, he noticed that the priest and the man in the tweed suit were engaged already in such deep conversation that they hardly noticed him as he passed and raised his hat.

Only the Gasthaus was lighted, and before Meger's some excellent voices were singing mountain airs.

Taking my seat at the long table in front of the local Gasthaus, and ordering some imitation coffeethe only refreshment provided in the absence of a local bread ticketI pointed out one of these notices to the only other person at the table, who was drinking some "extraordinarily weak beer," as he put it.

We were looking about for a decent Gasthaus in which to get something to eat when we saw a notice high up in large type on a wall outside an old farmhouse building, which read: Jeder Verkehr der Zivilbevolkerung mit den Kriegsgefangenen ist STRENG VERBOTEN, "Any intercourse of the civil population with the prisoners of war is strictly forbidden.

The sledge wound its way through the sloshy streets of the queer little village, and finally drew up in front of the Gasthaus.

She looked up as the sledge stopped before the Gasthaus; but the young woman in the green balcony went on knitting, and saw nothing.

Allitsen remembered her as a bright young girl, singing in the Gasthaus, waiting cheerfully on the guests: a bright gracious presence.

" "May I ask one little question of you, which shall conclude this subject," he said, "since here we are already at the Gasthaus: to which type of learnèd woman do you lay claim to belong?" Bernardine laughed.

"Do you remember how those peasants at the Gasthaus thought we were betrothed?

10 examples of  gasthaus  in sentences