16 examples of gaule in sentences

The convention (remarks John Gaule, an old writer) for such a solemn initiation being proclaimed (by some herald imp) to some others of the confederation, on some great holy or Lord's day, they meet in some church, either before the consecrated bell hath tolled, or else very late, after all the services are past and over.

"Now when they were agreed upon it, they could not find a man in the city that durst take upon him to kill him; but a man of armes of the Gaules, or one of the Cimbres (for we find both the one and the other in writing) that went thither with his sword drawn in his hand.

The barbarous Gaule, hearing these words, ran out of the chamber presently.

[Old copy, gaules.

Ere yet the salt of most vnrighteous Teares Had left the flushing of her gauled eyes, [Sidenote: in her]

The Canker Galls, the Infants of the Spring [Sidenote: The canker gaules the] Too oft before the buttons be disclos'd, [Sidenote: their buttons]

[Footnote 8: Auguste étendit jusqu'à La Loire La Gaule Aquitanique, autrefois bornée par la Garonne, et comprit L'Armorique dans la Province

L'Empereur Adrian, ayant fait depuis une nouvelle distribution des Gaules, divisa La Lyonnaise en deux, et mit L'Armorique dans la seconde;

The castle is supposed to have been first erected by the Romans, as the Province formed a part of the Gaule Aquitanique, under the Emperors Augustus and Adrian.

We have already alluded to the cruelties exercised in Great Britain during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and add an account of one of the cruel ceremonies used to detect witches:"Having taken the suspected witch," says Gaule, "she is placed in the middle of a room upon a stool or table, cross-legged, or in some other uneasy posture, to which if she submits not, she is then bound with cords.

Des les commencemens du V'e siècle, Rutilius Claudius Numatianus en avoit donné une, qui ne nous est parvenue qu'incomplète, parce que apparemment la mort ne lui permit pas de l'achever. L'objet étoit son retour de Rome dans la Gaule, sa patrie.

Nay, by Allah and the Prophet; never was my army vanquished; never was a battalion beaten; and never did the Mussulmans hesitate to follow me when I led them forty against fourscore." (Fauriel, Histoire de la Gaule, &c., t. III., pp. 48, 67.)

(Fauriel, Histoire de la Gaule, &c., t. III., p.

(Faits et testes de Louis le Picux, a poem by Ermold le Noir, in M. Guizot's Collection des Memoires relatifs L'Histoire de France, t. iv., p. 1-113.Fauriel, Histoire de la Gaule, etc., t. iv., p.

249, 280; Chroniques de Saint-Denis, in the Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de France, t. xxi.

Bouquet, Martin: Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France, etc.

16 examples of  gaule  in sentences