28 examples of gaultier in sentences

By the time I reached Victoria I had decided in favour of Gaultier'sif Gaultier's was still in existence.

Dinner at Gaultier's sounded a most natural preliminary to an evening's dissipation, and unless I was being actually followed to the restaurant I had nothing to fear.

We pulled up at Gaultier's, and I saw with a sort of sentimental pleasure that, outside at all events, it had not altered in the least during my three years' exile.

When I entered I found M. Gaultier himself, as fat and bland as ever, presiding over the scene.

"Good-evening," I began; "are you M. Gaultier?" He bowed and beamed.

"Well, M. Gaultier," I said, "I want a good dinnera quite exceptionally good dinner.

I was aroused from my reverie by the approach of M. Gaultier, who carried a menu in his hand.

" M. Gaultier picked up a wine list from the table.

" I sipped my Turkish coffee, lighted the fragrant Cabana which M. Gaultier had selected for me, and debated cheerfully with myself what I should do next.

It seemed absurdly cheap for such a delightful evening, and I said as much to M. Gaultier, who insisted on accompanying me to the door.

"He was told," says Joinville, "that he was playing at tables with his Royal Highness Gaultier de Nemours.

378.Perspective View of Paris in 1607.Fac-simile of a Copper-plate by Léonard Gaultier.

His name was Gaultier de la Richerie.

The Ballads of Bon Gaultier, published anonymously in 1855, had a success which would only have been possible at a time when really artistic parodies were unknown.

Bon Gaultier's verses are not as a rule much more than rough-and-ready imitations; and, like so much of the humour of their day, and of Scotch humour in particular, they generally depend for their point upon drinking and drunkenness.




SEE Lazarsfeld, Paul F. GAULTIER, CAMILLE.

SEE Gaultier, Camille. GENERAL DIGEST.


The best version to refer to is that which has been given almost word for word, from the original text, by M. Leon Gaultier, in his beautiful work, so justly crowned by the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres, on Lee Epopees Francaises.

" To Philippe Gaultier, who flourished in the last half of the 12th century (Lugduni, 1558.

BON GAULTIER, nom de plume assumed by Professor Aytoun and Sir Theodore Martin.

MARTIN, SIR THEODORE, man of letters, born in Edinburgh; acquired his first fame under the pseudonym of Bon Gaultier; is author of the "Life of the late Prince Consort"; wrote along with Aytouna "Book of Ballads," and translated the Odes of Horace, Dante's "Vita Nuova" and Goethe's "Faust"; b. 1816.

28 examples of  gaultier  in sentences