3189 examples of geese in sentences

E. Probably a species of Penguins: Lichefield calls them stares, as large as ducks; Osorius says the natives called them satiliario, and that they were as big as geese.

You can peep and see: beau-ti-ful ta-bles and chairs, and sides of ba-con, and geese and chick-ens, and fair round chees-es, and rolls of gold-en

Here Banks provided the Christmas dinner, shooting several solan geese, which were made into a pie, and were "eaten with great approbation; and in the evening all hands were as drunk as our forefathers used to be upon like occasions.

Come, Meg and El-len, don't com-plain, For, see, the geese en-joy the rain, And dog-gie does not fret; And yet, The drops come rol-ling down his ears, And nose, and whisk-ers, just like tears; Poor Mop, he's drip-ping wet!

The chirping of the cricket, the song of the lark, the call of the sentinel crane, the watchword with which the migratory geese keep their squadrons together, the howling of jackals, the lowing of cows, the hum of the hive, the chatter of the drawing-room, and a hundred other voices in forest and field and town remind us that the voice and the ear are the pair of wheels on which society runs.

When the Egyptians began to portray their daily life on stone 6,000 or 7,000 years ago, they already had cattle and sheep, geese and ducks and dogs and plenty of asses, though not horses.

The geese were long gone.

This is the Matter of Fact: Now I desire you, who are a profound Philosopher, to consider this Alliance of Instinct and Reason; your Speculation may turn very naturally upon the Force the superior Part of Mankind may have upon the Spirits of such as, like this Watchman, may be very near the Standard of Geese.

Oh I's 'fraid the Linkum sojers will come take 'em, cause dey gobbles up ebery ting dey lays dere hans on, jis like geese.

We have two pigs, and ducks and geese.

" The old King said, "I have a little lad who looks after the geese; she may help him.

" The boy was called little Conrad, and the real bride was sent with him to look after the geese.

When they got home Conrad went to the King and said, "I won't tend the geese with that maiden again.

It would kill my heart if he would take it to be no human voice, but some vanity like the hissing of geese! Mineog: I myself would recognise your voice, and you to be living or dead.

Wild geese and how to chase them; an informal discussion of living as an art.

Wild geese calling.

The geese fly high.

The geese fly high.

He sees plenty of fowls, and geese, and turkeys, gobbling and cackling about the farmyards, and can perhaps after awhile faintly perceive that they are the perquisites of the ladies of the tenants' households, who drive him a very hard bargain.

The foxes are blamed for the geese and the chickens, and the hunt execrated for not killing enough cubs, but Reynard is not always guilty.

There were multitudes of swans, geese, and ducks on the river; turkeys and the small furred beasts, such as coons, abounded.

Geese and ducks, when freshly killed, have supple feet.

Ducks and geese may be prepared and roasted in the same manner, but less time will suffice for cooking, about one and one third hours for ducks of ordinary size, and about three hours for a young goose.

Another good thing to be remembered was the large number of chickens, ducks and geese which the slaves raised for the doctor.

Chickens, ducks and geese were raised in abundance and money began accumulating rapidly for Robert and Delhia Lee.

3189 examples of  geese  in sentences