116 examples of generall in sentences

Whome chieflie to satisfie, or els to avoide that fowle blot of unthankefulnesse, I have conceived this small Poeme, intituled by a generall name of The Worlds Ruines; yet speciallie intended to the renowming of that noble race from which both you and he sprong, and to the eternizing of some of the chiefe of them late deceased.

And prizde with slaughter of their generall, The moniment of whose sad funerall, For wonder of the world, long in me lasted, But now to nought, through spoyle of time, is wasted.

And nowe they haue proclaimed in their [Greek: hareiophaga] a generall surceasing and silence of balde rymers, and also of the verie beste to; in steade whereof they haue, by authoritie of their whole senate, prescribed certaine lawes and rules of quantities of English sillables for English verse; hauing had thereof already greate practise, and drawen mee to their faction.

And though I cannot give up certaine proofes To point out the delinquents, I will name The men the generall voice proclaimes for guiltie.

And if he lay his hands on Barnavelt, His Court, our Guift, and where the generall States Our equalls sit ile fry about their eares And quench it in their blood.

Your Grace goes right; but with what generall safetie (For ther's the mayne point), if we proceed seveerely May this be don?

Secondly, Change and alter the Religion, and to that end, without the Consent of the Generall States, had raysed up and dispeirsed 3000 Arminian Soldiers.

Yet 'tis strange that man Should labour to devide those Generall States That had no weak hand in unyting them, That Barnavelt (a name you have remembered When you have thought by whom you were mad happie)

We will confirme it with our generall Seale, And send our answeare to his Propositions With our respect and duties.

Let them have it: And all that plot against the generall good Learne from this mans example, great in age, Greater in wealth and in authoritie, But matchles in his worldly pollicie, That there is one above that

The Prince strikes iust ith' nick and strikes home nobely: This new pretending faction had fird all els; They had floong a generall ruyn on the Cuntry.

Am I becom a generall game?

May he protect with honour, fight with fortune, And dye with generall love, an old and good Prince.

With reverence to the title, I have seene a Generall with a worse Countenance.

Co. Tenant per la Curtesie d'Engleterre est, hon home prent feme seisie in fee simple ou en fee taile generall, ou seisie come heire de la taile speciall et ad issue per mesme la fame, male ou female, oies ou wife, soit lissue apres mort ou en vie si la feme de aie, la baron tiendra la terre durant sa vie, per la ley dengleterre.

The proiector generall?

I have heard much fame of him since my arrive, His generall nature, hospitable love; His [He's?]

I, doe so, pray thee, thou shalt die in a very honorable cause, thy countries generall quarrell right.

The 26. of Ianuarie our Pinace sent her boat to land, to see the Riuer, and there one of our men was sent on shore, but when he was on land he found nothing, but an armie of ten thousand men, that ment to relieue the towne of Ballaboam, and the Riuer was nothing worth to lade water, wherevpon our men came on borde againe: Their Generall thought to haue gotten some great pray out of our shippes.

Presently vpon this our arriuall, our Admirall and Generall Master Iacob Van Neck, sought with all friendship to traffique with the people of the saide towne of Bantam, sending Master Cornelis Heemskerck on land to shew them what we were, for they thought vs to be the very same men that had been there the yeare before, and al that while guarded the sea cost, as being assuredly persuaded that we were pirates and sea rouers.

Likewise we presented our letters sealed very costly with the great seale of the noble and mighty lords the Estates generall of the united Prouinces, and of Prince Mauritz, whome they termed their Prince.

And here you are to vnderstand, that our Generall Master Van Neck, together with the commissaries or factors, thought good, besides the three forsaid ships that came first, to lade one other, to wit, the greater pinnasse called Frisland, whereof was Master Iacob Cornelison, and factor Walter Willekens.

Certaine daies before our departure from Bantam were the other foure shippes dispatched to go for the Moluccas, and ouer them was appointed as Admirall and Generall Master Wybrant van Warwicke in the shippe called Amsterdam, and Iacob Heemskerck Viceadmirall in the shippe Gelderland, the other two shippes in consort with them being Zeland and Vtrecht before mentioned.

The 27. of Iuly the Mauritius our Admirall together with the Hollandia came before Amsterdam: where they were ioyfully saluted with the sound of eight trumpettes, with banqueting, with ringing of bels, and with peales of ordinance, the Generall and other men of command being honourably receiued and welcommed by the citty.

The Generall of them that came from Goa was Don Luis, and of those that came from Molucca Don Emanuell: who brought their Armada before Bantam, intending to surprize the citty, vnder pretence that the same preparation was made to resist certaine pirates that came thither out of Holland the last yeare, and were determined this yeare also to come againe.

116 examples of  generall  in sentences