499 examples of generated in sentences

The lighting and cooling of the churchfor cooling is a recognized feature as well as heatingare done by electricity, and the heat generated by two large boilers in the basement is distributed by the four systems with motor electric power.

They furnish a pathway along which the nerve energy generated by the cells may travel.

If pride of rank was generated in this fraternity of gentlemen, so also was scorn of lies and baseness.

An intense hatred of Mohammedans was generated and became universal,a desire for vengeance, unparalleled in history.

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The main strength of Holland was, in fact, in its recollections; but these, perhaps, generated a germ of discontent, in leading it to expect a revival of all the influence it had lost, and was little likely to recover, in the total change of systems and the variations of trade.

All the hatred of class and creed which had generated under the Romanoffs found expression in this man's deeds.

A.The sides of the internal furnaces or flues in all boilers should be so constructed that the steam may readily escape from their surfaces, with which view it is expedient to make the bottom of the flue somewhat wider than the top, or slightly conical in the cross section; and the upper plates should always be overlapped by the plates beneath, so that the steam cannot be retained in the overlap, but will escape as soon as it is generated.

The particles of stony matter which are ballooned to the surface by the steam in every other part of the boiler, subside within the cone, where, no steam being generated, the water is consequently tranquil; and the deposit is discharged overboard by means of a pipe communicating with the sea.

A falling body, as has been already explained, to have acquired twice the velocity, must have fallen through four times the height; the velocity generated by a column of any fluid is equal to that acquired by a body falling through the height of the column; and it is therefore clear, that the pressure due to any given velocity must be as the square of that velocity, the pressure being in every case as twice the altitude of the column.

By this means steam is generated in from 3 to 5 minutes, so as to start the engine.

Starting with cold water in the boiler, a working head of steam can be generated in less than five minutes from the time of kindling the fire.

The idea evidently was that the steam generated by the combustion of the leaf at the distal end, would condense in the cooler part of the cigar and dissolve the poison, and the solution would then be drawn into the mouth.

To my mind, the grand plan of things was settled ages ago,the impulses generated that must needs work on.

His mind was to the end of his many years readily responsive to congenial impulses, let them come whence they would, and no small part of his service to Unitarianism consists in the broader sympathies which he generated in its circles.

The ordinary sophism by which misrule is defended is, when truly stilted, this: The people must continue in slavery, because slavery has generated in them all the vices of slaves; because they are ignorant, they must remain under a power which has made and which keeps them ignorant; because they have been made ferocious by misgovernment, they must be misgoverned forever.

The mental habit thus generated was probably more important than any other single circumstance in enabling our Federal Union to be formed.

This inclemency of the weather however, which generated a feeling of stillness and solitude, encouraged me by degrees to change my retreat, for another of the same nature, out of somewhat greater security.

Whether from rebellion against the irking monotony of its inherited creeds or from compulsions generated by its own complexities, each age develops its code of convenient illusions which minimize cerebration in dilemmas of conduct by postulating an unequivocal cleavage between the current right and the current wrong.

All life, whether physical or spiritual, means a death to some previous condition, and must be generated in pain.

For the square of 3 is 9, and the square of 4 is 16, and the square of 5 is 25; but 9 added to 16 is equal to 25; and thus, out of the addition, or coming together, of the squares of the perpendicular and base, arises the square of the hypothenuse, just as, out of the coming together, in the Egyptian system, of the active and passive principles, arises, or is generated, the world.

" "I make no doubt, Captain Cuffe, that Lord Nelson will give a respite, or even a pardon, were the facts fairly laid before him," observed Griffin, who felt a generous interest in preserving the life of Raoul, the very man he had endeavored to destroy by fire only a few weeks before; but such is the waywardness of man, and such are the mixed feelings generated by war.

And for the squire, he in his heart felt but little of that profound dislike which he was aware such conduct as the squire's ought to have generated.

Being thus caught where they are generated, and the proper conditions supplied to expand them, they swell or raise the dough, which is then termed a loaf.

Ruts began to be formedrain fell, and mud was generated at a prodigious rate; repairs were needed, and the road for a while was rough and almost impassable.

499 examples of  generated  in sentences