10 examples of genitor in sentences

They are the hymns, Martinae celebri, Tu natale solum (January 20); Nullis te genitor, Regali solio fortis (April 13).

"Erat Hermanni genitor Latine, Græce, Hebraice sciens: peritus valde historiarum et gentium.

Paternity N. paternity; parentage; consanguinity &c 11. parent; father, sire, dad, papa, paterfamilias, abba^; genitor, progenitor, procreator; ancestor; grandsire^, grandfather; great- grandfather; fathership^, fatherhood; mabap^. house, stem, trunk, tree, stock, stirps, pedigree, lineage, line, family, tribe, sept, race, clan; genealogy, descent, extraction, birth, ancestry; forefathers, forbears, patriarchs.

'Twas Lucretia's counsel in Aretine, Si vis amica frui, promitte, finge, jura, perjura, jacta, simula, mentire; and they put it well in practice, as Apollo to Daphne, "mihi Delphica tellus Et Claros et Tenedos, patareaque regia servit, Jupiter est genitor" "Delphos, Claros, and Tenedos serve me,

Ut semel dicam, una gula est omnium morborum mater, etiamsi alius est genitor.

Phoebe pater, si das hujus mihi nominis usum, Nec falsâ Clymene culpam sub imagine celat; Pignora da, Genitor Ov.

No child was raised by its own genitors.

Jupiter iis genitor, coeli de semine divas Omnibus acceptas edidit Eurynome.

Phoebe pater, si das hujus mihi nominis usum, Nec falsâ Clymene culpam sub imagine celat; Pignora da, Genitor Ov.

Minnows never come under the care of their genitors, but are independent as soon as they are hatched.

10 examples of  genitor  in sentences