149 examples of gentes in sentences

" Tacitus, writing years after the death of Arminius, says of him, "Canitur adhuc barbaras apud gentes."

31 Orch[)o]m[)e]nus, a town in Boeotia, Orcomeno, C. iii. 5 5 Orcynia, the name given by Greek writers to the Hercynian forest Orget[=o]rix, G. i. 2, 3 Or[)i]cum, a town in Epirus, Orco, or Orcha, C. iii. 11, 12 Osc[=e]nses, the people of Osca, a town in Hispania Tarraconensis, now Huescar, C. i. 60 Os[=i]sm[)i]i, an ancient people of Gaul, one of the Gentes Armoricae.

Idipsum incredibile fortasse, ni cogitimus in medio orbe terrarum, ac Sicilia et Italia fuisse, gentes huius monstri, Cyclopas et Laestrigonas, et nuperrimè trans Alpes hominem immolari gentium carum more solitum: quod paulum à mandendo abest.

Ad detegendam eius potentiam, satis sit inter prodigia posuisse gentes.

In illa contrata est mons maximus, in quo dicunt gentes illius regionis quod Adam planxit Abel filium suum 500. annis.

In contrata illa sunt quasi omnia genera animalium et auium; et dixerunt mihi gentes illæ quod animalia illa nullum forensem inuadunt, nec offendunt, sed tantum homines illius regionis.

Vnum mandatum dicunt gentes illius ciuitatis a domino se recepisse.

the feud between the gentes in

possession of the government and the commons rising in revolt against the gentes could not but begin afresh.

Among other liberties he not only ridiculed one Theodotus a painter by name, but even directed against the victor of Zama the following verses, of which Aristophanes need not have been ashamed: -Etiam qui res magnas manu saepe gessit gloriose, Cujus facta viva nunc vigent, qui apud gentes solus praestat, Eum suus pater cum pallio uno ab amica abduxit.- As he himself says, -Libera

multae sunt gentes quae tantum de facie sciunt coelum, veniet, tempus fortasse, quo ista quae, nunc latent in lucem dies extrahat longioris aevi diligentia, una aetas non sufficit, posteri, &c., when God sees his time, he will reveal these mysteries to mortal men, and show that to some few at last, which he hath concealed so long.

"I may have better matches, I confess, but farewell shame, farewell honour, farewell honesty, farewell friends and fortunes, &c. O, Harpedona, keep my counsel, I will leave all for his sweet sake, I will have him, say no more, contra gentes, I am resolved, I will have him."

Animos tristes subito exhilarat, nubilos vultus serenat, austeritatem reponit, jucunditatem exponit, barbariemque facit deponere gentes, mores instituit, iracundiam mitigat.

1. Nullam frugem habent potus ex imbre: Et hae gentes si vincantur, &c. 3862.

[Footnote 1: Becerra, Felicidad de Méjico, 1685, quoted in Veitia, Historia del Origen de las Gentes que poblaron la América Septentrional, cap.

Muchos años después vienen gentes a vivir en algunas de estas islas.

Quis non plangeret, cum videret flentes Tot honestos nobiles, tam diversas gentes, Cum Thuringis Saxones illuc venientes, Ut viderent socios suos abscedentes.

Germania, 45: Suionibus Sitonum gentes continuantur.

"Lapis sanctus, i.e. Christus, aut fidei fundamenta sustentat aut in angulo positus duorum parietum membra aequata moderatione conjungit, i.e., Veteris et Novi Testamenti in unum colligit gentes.

The "Disputationes adversus Gentes" of Arnobius supplies us with a fund of information on the symbolism of the classic mythology.

" So also Minutius Felix, 'Adversus Gentes:' "Quam pulchrum spectaculum Deo, cum Christianus cum dolore congueditur?

[Footnote 38: Echevarria, Historia del Origen de las Gentes de Nueva España, Discurso Preliminar.]

del Origen de las Gentes que poblaron la Nueva España, Discurso Preliminar, in Kingsborough's Mexico, Vol.

No Roman had a loftier lineage than "the mighty Julius"; and when the place of Augustus passed to Tiberius, the third Emperor represented the Claudian gens, the most arrogant, overbearing, haughty, and cruel of all those patrician gentes that figure in the history of the republican times.

Quién es la única persona que ha venido a la casa antes de las siete? 7. Generalmente ¿quiénes son las gentes que llegan tan temprano? 8. ¿

149 examples of  gentes  in sentences