11 examples of germicides in sentences

<Cide, cis(e)> (cut, kill): (1) decide, suicide, homicide, concise, precise, decisive, incision, scissors, chisel, cement; (2) patricide, fratricide, infanticide, regicide, germicide, excision, circumcision, incisors, cesura. Sentences:

This subject of poisons assumes nowadays great importance, as it is a common custom to keep about stables, workshops, bathrooms, and living rooms generally a more or less formidable array of germicides, disinfectants, horse-liniments, insect-poisons, and other preparations of a similar character.

The word disinfectant is synonymous with the term bactericide or germicide.

A form of mercury, called corrosive sublimate, is a most efficacious and powerful germicide, but is exceedingly poisonous and can be bought only under restrictions.

There are also numerous varieties of commercial disinfectants now in popular use, such as Platt's chlorides, bromo-chloral, sanitas, etc., which have proved efficient germicides.

Same as germicide.

Germicide (Germ, and Lat. caedere, to kill).

An excellent germicide for wire-worm can be made with two parts carbolic acid and three parts castor-oil.

But how sad it is to-day to contemplate the situation occupied by Henry, forced thus to rummage the kingdom for the dust of two murdered princes, that he might, by unearthing a most wicked crime, prevent the success of a young pretender, and yet fearing to do so lest he might call the attention of the police to the royal record of homicide, regicide, fratricide, and germicide!

Surface-active quaternary ammonium germicides.

Surface-active quaternary ammonium germicides.

11 examples of  germicides  in sentences