127986 examples of get in sentences

I'll get the Yank, second or no second, if the fellow doesn't back out.

Le Gaire provoked the fight, and was rather nasty about it in my judgment, but all we are anxious about now is to get the preliminaries over with as soon as possible.

He should not get awaynot if I could prevent ituntil he confessed to her the truth.

"Yes, but with no stairs; the only way to get there is by the kitchen roof.

"What's the sergeant doing?" "Evidently going to get a look at the attic."

Then, deciding quickly,"I am going to turn you all loose, and try to get back to our lines, as soon as we can gain some understanding of this death mystery, Bell.

I am crazy to get away.

I should have withdrawn my men before daylight; there was no sign of any Federal troops advancing up the ravine, and probably my messenger had failed to get through.

I am eager to get away, Miss Billie, to protect the lives of my men, but I could not leave with you feeling as you didbelieving me a coward, a murderer.

I thought I could get down the back stairs unobserved, and then out through the kitchen.

Get your men together in the front hall at once.

Carbines, first, boys, and then revolvers if they get close.

Now, boys, keep your eyes open, but no shooting until you get orders.

For a moment I felt remorse, fear, a cowardly desire to escape, to get away yonder, beyond the reek of powder, the cries of pain.

" "And you, Miles?" "I'm not so bloomin' fond of a fight, Lieutenant," he said, scratching his head, "but I like to stay fighting after I once get started.

Before it is made I must get you away.

This enabled me to breathe again freely, but I was so weak I could not get up, and he was obliged to drag me across the cellar floor.

I struggled still to escape, and succeeded in getting the cloth lifted so I could see out a little with one eye, but the light was poor, and the man kept hidden behind where I couldn't get even a glimpse of his face.

After the first attempt I was not so much afraid of him, although he was rough enough when I tried to get away.

I heard him pounding and swearing inside, but was certain he couldn't get out.

My eyes are still full of grit, but I suppose they will get over that.

"Of course it might have been clearer, but, after all, you get a very good idea of it.

It is long, long after their departure before we get under way.

"Will not you sit down?" "No, thank you," reply I, bending my neck back to get a view behind an intervening group; "I had rather stand.

She is certainly very tired; as we go to bed at night she seems hardly able to get up the stairs, but leans heavily on the banistersone who usually runs so lightly up and down.

127986 examples of  get  in sentences