8 examples of gilberts in sentences

But we were so close to Barracombe, at the Gilberts' tea-party.

"She is to come out this very season; that is why I took her to the Gilberts', to prepare her for the great plunge," said Mrs. Hewel, not intending to be funny.

The Gilberts & Marshalls.

The Gilberts & Marshalls.

You are the husband of a bright and lovely girl, and if you forget this fact after a time, remember there are other Ray Gilberts who may realize it, and seek to awaken such an interest in her heart as you sought to arouse in mine.

We were wrecked three timesin the Gilberts, in the Santa Cruz group, and in the Fijis.

The farm-house the Gilberts occupied had been a family mansion of great antiquity with a moat around it.

So they drove briskly on, and in about an hour more they got to a long hill, whence they could see the Gilberts' farm.

8 examples of  gilberts  in sentences