49 examples of gildas in sentences

My home Is the convent of St. Gildas de Rhuys, Of which, very like, you never have heard.

For some of us knew a thing or two, In the Abbey of St. Gildas de Rhuys!

Go on, if you please, With your story about St. Gildas de Rhuys. Lucifer.

The Duke of this wild province gave him the abbey of St. Gildas; but its inmates were ignorant and disorderly, and added insubordination to dissoluteness.

[q] Gildas. Bede, lib. 1. cap.

[FN [t] Gildas. Bede, lib. 1.

[x] Gildas. Bede, lib. 1. cap.

[z] Gildas. Bede, lib.

2. [y] Gildas, Saxon Chron.

That some part of the Irish freebooters migrated back to the north-west parts of Britain, whence their ancestors had probably been derived in a more remote age, is positively asserted by Bede, and implied in Gildas.

I grant that neither Bede nor Gildas are Caesars or Tacituses; but such as they are, they remain the sole testimony on the subject, and therefore must be relied on for want of better: happily, the frivolousness of the question corresponds to the weakness of the authorities.

Every known authority on the subject, from Pliny to Gildas, was carefully considered; every learned pilgrim to Rome was commissioned by Bede to ransack the archives and to make copies of papal decrees and royal letters; and to these were added the testimony of abbots who could speak from personal knowledge of events or repeat the traditions of their several monasteries.

Gildas's History | 597.

Sinay un caphar, qui Sainct Antoine mettoit le feu ès jambes; Sainct Eutrope faisait les hydropiques; Sainct Gildas les fols; Sainct Genou les gouttes.

Gildas was the first historian of Britain, and the scathing remarks made about his fellow-countrymen have never been approached by the most merciless of modern historians.

The legendary chronicles composed in Wales or Brittany, such as De Excidio Britanniae of Gildas.

Saint Gildas; or, The Three Paths.

Two or three centuries later we find Niall of the Nine Hostages making nautical descents on the neighboring shores, especially Britain: and there is every probability that ships of the island conveyed some at least of the "Scots" (Irish) whom Gildas in the sixth century describes as joining the Picts in furiously storming the Roman wall.

It is almost inaccessible, but has perhaps for this reason occasionally afforded an asylum to refugees from the mainland, although the statement that Gildas found security in this retreat appears to be an error.

GILDAS, a monkish historian of Britain, who wrote in the 6th century a Latin work entitled "De Excidio Britanniæ," which afterwards appeared in two parts, a History and an Epistle.

But just then (1125) he was offered an important position, the abbotship of the monastery of St. Gildas-de-Rhuys, in Lower Brittany, on the lonely, inhospitable shore of the Atlantic.

His position at St. Gildas was little less than slow martyrdom.

In 1134, after nine years of painful struggle, he definitely left St. Gildas, without, however, resigning the abbotship.

The persecutions of that cruel tyrant of St. Gildas, and of those execrable monks,monks out of greed only, whom notwithstanding you call your children,which still harass you, close the miserable history.

The same tradition appeared in England about the third century, and from Gildas and Nennius was adopted by Geoffrey of Monmouth.

49 examples of  gildas  in sentences