800 examples of ginned in sentences

As it was ginned the lint would go into the lint room, and the seed would drop at the feeder's feet.

Instead of ginning two or three bales of cotton a day, as at Pontotoc, they ginned six to seven bales here.

No dash of Jamaica ginger or Pain-killer or sloe gin or sarsaparilla to give it piquancy.

As if to emphasize the misery of the locality, and perhaps in a measure to account for it, at the further end I discovered a gin-palace, whose flaring lights illuminated the streets on either hand with brazen splendour.

So long as the products of slave labor were unprofitable, through the exhaustion of the tobacco-fields, there was a sort of sentimental philanthropy among disinterested Southern men tending to a partial emancipation; but when the cotton gin (invented in 1793) had trebled the value of slaves, and the breeding of them became a profitable industry, the philanthropy of the planters vanished.

First, the wonderful demand for cotton throughout the world, precisely when, from the invention of the cotton gin, it became easy to turn it to service.

Instrument N. machinery, mechanism, engineering. instrument, organ, tool, implement, utensil, machine, engine, lathe, gin, mill; air engine, caloric engine, heat engine.

"There's no pride about 'im, that's what I like," said Mrs. Kybird to her lord and master as they sat alone after closing time over a glass of gin and water.

Mr. Kybird hesitated and took a sip of his gin and water.

A short, stout man stood for a moment with the handle of the door in his hand, and then came in, carefully bearing before him a glass of gin and water.

And here is my friend Jukesbury, whose eloquent pleas for a higher life have turned so many workmen from gin and improvidence, and which in a printed form are disseminated even in such remote regions as Africa, where I am told they have produced the most satisfactory results upon the unsophisticated but polygamous monarchs of that continent.

They ground corn and ginned cotton.

As long as papa lived he share cropped and ginned.

"We ginned two or three bales of cotton a day.

We ginned all the summer.

It would be June before we got that cotton all ginned.

I have not the least belief, that the proportion of readers amongst them is one half so great, as it was before the invention of Whitney's cotton gin.

They ginned the cotton with iron rods; a mechanical cotton gin was introduced not until later.

And then after the cotton was ginned they took it to the press and you could hear that screw go z-m-m-m and dreckly that 'block and tickle' come down.

At Augusta in 1809, for example, cotton was ginned and packed in square bales of 350 pounds at a cost of $1.50 per hundredweight.

You never saw how much cotton was ginned, nor how much he got for it, nor how much it was worth nor nothing.

Our cotton having been ginned and baled, we made preparations for shipping it to market.

He and his tribe raised on his great farm here in Bradford County everything he needed to eat, drink, or to wear: his wife and daughters spun and wove their clothing from the cotton grown and ginned on his own fields; the delicious syrup and sugar which adorned and sweetened the mountains of rye pancakes and floods of home-raised coffee, was made from the cane which was grown, and ground on his own soil.

He grew the cotton, picked it, ginned it and wove it right there.

They ginned the cotton on the plantation.

800 examples of  ginned  in sentences