89 examples of girders in sentences

Suffice it to say that the Kolis firmly believe the whole story, and add that Zuran Patel's house was the only real strong-house in Bombay at that epoch, the walls being built upon a framework of iron girders and the cellar, containing the piles of silver, being stouter than a modern safe.

They threw themselves on broken culverts and wrecked bridges; with only hand tools, so short of equipment were they, they drove piles and built up girders on heaps of sleepers and made the bridges safe again.

For they blew up, with dynamite, the masonry of many bridges and contented themselves that the girders lay in the river below.

With hand jacks they lifted the girders and piled up sleepers, one by one beneath, until the girder was lifted to rail level again.

The girders are all of iron, the roof is of terra cotta tiles, the galleries are in plaster relief, the window frames are of iron, coated with plaster; the staircases are of iron, with marble stairs of rose pink and marble approaches.

It bears a remarkable resemblance to a bat with extended wings, and forms a series of girders to the arches of the cranium.

Here from my girders I look below At the throngs which travel by, For little that's real will they leave to show When it comes their time to die.

As I sat in the church I could see, as distinctly as though I were there, the church of my boyhood and the tall dyspeptic preacher looming above the pulpit, the peculiar way the light came through the coarse colour of the windows, the barrenness and stiffness of the great empty room, the raw girders overhead, the prim choir.

Engineers are in the habit of making girders intended to sustain a stationary load, about three times stronger than the breaking weight; but if the load be a movable one, as is the case in the girders of railway bridges, they make the strength equal to six times the breaking weight.

Engineers are in the habit of making girders intended to sustain a stationary load, about three times stronger than the breaking weight; but if the load be a movable one, as is the case in the girders of railway bridges, they make the strength equal to six times the breaking weight.

The swing bridge extends over two openings, or from the north abutment to the southern pier, its center of revolution being situated over the center of the northern span, and revolves upon a turntable, which is carried upon a lower platform or frame of girders extending across the northern span of the bridge.

The southern opening is spanned by an ordinary pair of lattice girders in line with the girders and superstructure of the swing bridge.

The southern opening is spanned by an ordinary pair of lattice girders in line with the girders and superstructure of the swing bridge.

Gargantuan tubes, gleaming silver in the lights and ribbed like a torso of a dragon, snaked through a heavy latticework of girders.

This, and climbing the Eiffel Tower on its girders, were two of his pet projects.

long, and is constructed in the following manner: The arches, and the longitudinal girders which they support, are made of two Barlow rails riveted together, with an iron plate ½ inch thick placed between them.

Each pair of arches, longitudinal girders and uprights, is transversely 3 meters (9 ft. 10 in.) from center to center, and is connected by cross and diagonal bracing.

On the top of the longitudinal girders are fixed cross pieces of single Barlow rails, upon which again are fastened two longitudinals of wood 12 in.

For double floors the iron joists are made with a double flange on their lower edge, and are fitted to iron girders, which cross in the opposite direction.

This provision secures the covering of the cross girders on their undersides by the ceiling slabs.

And the Sergeant of cavalry dismounted and moved forward; there was a low murmur; then: "Pass on, Sanitary!" A few large and very yellow stars looked down from the blackness above; under the wheels the rotten planking and worn girders of the Long Bridge groaned and complained and sagged.

The great Britannia Tower, in the centre of the Straits, is 62 feet by 52 feet at its base; its total height from the bottom, 230 feet; it contains 148,625 cubic feet of limestone, and 144,625 of sandstone; it weighs 20,000 tons; and there are 387 tons of cast iron built into it in the shape of beams and girders.

On scores of congested sidings lay huge girders, rolled beams, limbs, and boxes of rivets, once intended for the late Quebec Bridgenow so much mere obstructionand the victuals had to pick their way through 'em; and behind the victuals was the lumberclean wood out of the mountainslogs, planks, clapboards, and laths, for which we pay such sinful prices in Englandall seeking the sea.

HODGKINSON, EATON, a distinguished engineer, born at Anderton, near Norwich; was professor of Engineering in University College, London; became a leading authority on bridge construction, and carried through elaborate experiments testing the strength of iron girders; co-operated in planning the Britannia Tubular Bridge (1789-1861).

With deep-mouthed shout they hurtled down To tear it from its hold The girders shrieked, the cables strained And shuddered at the roar

89 examples of  girders  in sentences