319 examples of glorifying in sentences

I THE SIERRA NEVADA Go where you may within the bounds of California, mountains are ever in sight, charming and glorifying every landscape.

I may be over-glorifying the sense of smell, but it is only because I walked this morning in a world of odours.

He may be mourning the death of father, brother, yes, of mother and sister, by the very hands of those you are glorifying.

Then follow some pleasing lines to "My Son, My Son," by Allan Cunningham, glorifying the bounty of Providence, "A Tale of a Triangle," by Mary Howitt, is a pretty school sketch.

Then said the angel, "This is the second day since the present congregation entered the temple: examine them, and you will see their manner of glorifying God."

In every department of interest and exertion, they might use their capacities, and wield their powers, and improve their opportunities, and employ their resources, as freely as he, in glorifying God, in blessing mankind, and in laying up imperishable treasures for themselves!

There is a beautiful rainbow smiling on it from our mountain home, and I hope a real one is glorifying hers.

From this point of view most of the talk about unity of character is not much more than a glorifying of stagnation.

And she looked up at Ross, and very handsome he was in that soft moonlight, his high-blazing passion glorifying his features.

There were the infinite worlds, immensities of time and space and evolving souls; and urging, weaving, glorifying all, was the Holy Spirit, Mystic Motherhood....

They were given to unseemly glorifying and self-satisfaction, and were met by the Master's wordshalf warning, half rebuke"I beheld Satan, as lightning, fall from heaven."

Thus ran his self-glorifying soliloquy: "Is not this great Babylon that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honor of my majesty?"

But when her enemies accuse Charlotte Brontë of glorifying passion they praise her unaware.

He met the fury of the tempest, and the floods went over His head; but His offering was an offering of peace, calming the storms and the waves, magnifying the law, glorifying its Author, and rescuing its violator from the wrath and ruin.

The genius of Charlotte Brontë consists in the fact that she makes love so splendid and glorifying a thing, and that she does not waste her powder and shot upon the poor in spirit.

Intercourse with her was truly a means of grace; and I generally left her glorifying God on her account, and longing for a double portion of her spirit.

Hundreds are this week glorifying God in her.

The whole of the book in which it appears[Greek: Kyrou paideia]is what the Germans call a Tendenzromana historic romance with a moral, illustrating the importance of a correct education and glorifying a certain form of government.

We may not give the names of regiments and brigades until weeks after a fight, because that will tell the enemy what troops are engaged; we may not give the names of officers, for that is glorifying one when possibly another did his duty equally well.

They were to eat and drink, be merry, and enjoy themselves to his glorification; they were to drink his health in foaming glasses of champagne, and Gotzkowsky was to look upon it all as a grand festival with which the good citizens of Berlin were glorifying him, while they themselves were enjoying the luscious viands and fragrant wines.

If "morality touched by emotion" be religion, then truly was I the most religious of Atheists, finding in this dwelling on and glorifying of the Ideal full satisfaction for the loftiest emotions.

There were not many letters from him, but they were such as she could have wished, and she put her whole strength into making hers such as she imagined he could have wished, glorifying and supporting him.

She wrote to his mother glorifying him as their hero, but the brief answer she got was merely to the effect that Mrs. Gearson was not well enough to write herself, and thanking her for her letter by the hand of some one who called herself "Yrs truly, Mrs. W.J. Andrews.

It is for many reasons worthy of note; amongst others, as showing how far Calderon could rise above national prejudices, and expend all the treasures of his genius in glorifying the heroic devotedness of a noble foe".

All these visitors gorged themselves with whatever came in their way, drank their fill to intoxication, and carried off what they could, extolling and glorifying their affable host.

319 examples of  glorifying  in sentences