3034 examples of go off in sentences

Now, the Boy couldn't sing a note, so there was no fair division of entertainment, wherefore he would go off into the woods with his gun for company, and the Catholic O'Flynn, and even Potts, were in better odour than he "down in camp" on Sundays.

Didn't you go off with the rest yesterday morning?

Then suddenly all our artillery, as it seemed, began to go off, and for about five minutes there was a deafening burst of fire from guns of all calibres.

He said the excitement of moving and coming into new scenes was the cause most likely of her feeling worse, and that would soon go off; then she was to try and be a good girl and pray.

between the meetings of all the other societies would actually get done the things they talk about and pass resolutions about and then go off and forget until the next meeting.

The parent or nurse is apt to suppose, when this inflammation first appears, that it is merely a cold in the eye, which will go off; and the consequences which I have just mentioned take place, in many cases, before they are aware of the danger, and before the medical man is resorted to for assistance.

"As soon as things are fixed up I'll buy a good second-hand thirty-ton boat, and you and I and Tommy will go off for a six months' cruise.

"They won't go off without us; they can see us coming down the hill.

Golden Pheasants will not long allow one to purchase glory by too strenuous an effort, and so I go off by myself, and work at the Dawn in secret.

Needless to say, people who know the mountains well, go off alone with impunity.

"It was a pretty bold thing to go off alone with that reprobate, as you did," said the minister.

In the morning Dr. Pigg was all well again, and he said Buddy was very brave to go off for a doctor in the night, and I think so, too.

"Especially Larry who never comes to parties and when he does has to go off and do a silly thing like that.

So I did it, and asked leave to go off back to have a look at the chateau and the land about it.

"I'll have a look at that old cottage up on the right to-night," I used to say to myself, and later, when the time came for me to walk back from the trenches, I would go off at a new angle across the plain, and make for my objective.

the largest slave auctioneer in the state, under whose hammer, men, women and children go off by thousands; its stroke probably sunders daily, husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters, perhaps to see each other's faces no more.

In the Rehearsal, by the duke of Buckingham, Bayes' troops are killed, every man of them, by Drawcansir, but revive, and "go off on their legs.

"He always used to go off by hisself of a evening, and I used to wonder 'ow he passed the time.

" "I am fond of confections,", Harry said; "and my Aunt Marjory is famous at them; and now, as I am very sleepy, I will go off.

The hurried pursuit had been quite proper in the first place, for if the Indians had fled rapidly they would surely have broken up into different bands, which could have been attacked on even terms, while delay would have permitted them to go off unscathed.

"You and Joe go out and 'ave your evening, and me and these gentlemen'll go off together somewhere.

So go off, Franco, as fast as you can.

The first one to go off was Edith Larramie.

Of course these successes were owing to treachery, and not to valor, and Dietrich, to obtain the release of Hildebrand and a few other faithful followers, who had fallen into the enemy's hands, was forced to surrender Bern and go off into exile.

In London itself we catch fleeting visions of the eager gesticulating figure, hurrying out from his lodgings in Billiter Square'Belitery Square' he calls itor at the sign of the 'White Whigg' in Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, to go off to the funeral of Sir Isaac Newton in Westminster Abbey, or to pay a call on Congreve, or to attend a Quaker's Meeting.

3034 examples of  go off  in sentences