409 examples of goblets in sentences

The treasure house of the sanctuary was stored with tripods and goblets, in general wrought from the precious metals; its coffers were loaded with coins and ingots; the sacrifices of wealthy suppliants and the copious offerings in kind of the country people provided superabundantly for the daily maintenance of the temple servitors; while a rich endowment in land maintained the dignity of its guardians, and of the officiating priest.

By-and-by, feeling very tired, he sat down to rest, and just where he sat grew a plant with long white flowers like tall thin goblets in shape.

Tho' your pallid faces prove How you nightly vigils keep, 'Tis but that you ever love Flowing goblets more than sleep.

He set down the plate upon the table, motioning Villon to draw in his chair, and going to the sideboard, brought back two goblets, which he filled.

There are your damned goblets, as safe as in a church; there are you, with your heart ticking as good as new; and here am I, ready to go out again as poor as I came in, with my one white that you threw in my teeth!

"I wonder what his goblets may be worth.

The walls of the tent were gorgeously adorned with amber, and gold, and rubies; and the sparkling old wine was drunk out of crystal goblets.

But he was immediately supplied with charmed viands and goblets of rich wine, which he had not the power to resist, till his senses forsook him, and then Pílsam appeared, and, binding him with cords, conveyed him safely and secretly into the interior of the fort.

His long continued taxes I forbeare, In which he chiefely showed him to be Prince; His robbing Alters, sale of Holy things, The Antique Goblets of adored rust And sacred gifts of kings and people sold.

In many of the fungiform and most of the circumvallate papillæ are peculiar structures called taste buds or taste goblets.

When the great khan sits in his hall at a table, which is raised several feet above the others[10], there is a great sideboard of plate at some distance in the midst of the hall, and from thence these sorcerers cause wine or milk to fill the goblets on the khans table, whenever he commands.

He closed the door behind him softly, and Mr. Kybird, after a brief pause, opened it again and, more softly still, quitted the precincts of The Goblets, and stepped across the road to his emporium.

These articles consisted of goblets, ewers, salvers, vases of every shape and size, ornaments and utensils for the temples and the royal palaces, tiles and plates for the decoration of the public edifices, curious imitations of different plants and animals.

'The great, vain man, who fared on costly food, Whose life was too luxurious to be good; Who made his ivory stands with goblets shine, 210 And forced his guests to morning draughts of wine, Has, with the cup, the graceless custom lost,

Fill up your goblets from the flagon, princes.

The joys of love and youth be mine, The cheerful glass, the ruby wine, The social feast, the merry friend, And brimming goblets without end.

Martin knew better than to show temper; he accepted the situation, and the lov'd Amasia's Health flew round, Amasia's Health the Golden Goblets crown'd.

The firelight danced cheerfully upon the polished three-wicked lucernae burning cleanly with the best oil, upon the whitewashed walls, and the bunches of scarlet carnations set in glass goblets.

And so the mighty potentate, whose tent was full of delicious beverages, and cups and goblets of silver and gold, extended himself down upon the sand at the margin of the river, and drank the warm water directly from the stream.


Goblets II.

Great yellow blankets were on the iron beds, the linen was scrupulously clean, glittering pewter-jugs and goblets stood by the side of each patient, and they were provided with godly books (to judge from the building), in which several were reading at leisure.

The sour wine on the duke's table set our teeth on edge, though it was served in huge golden goblets studded with rare gems.

After many goblets of wine, he remarked: "The king of France will probably be upon us within a fortnight after he hears the sad news from Nancy.

One day she came into the wards, and said that a certain portion of the sick "could have two goblets of milk for every meal.

409 examples of  goblets  in sentences