3972 examples of gone through in sentences

He sat down, drawing long breaths, as though he had gone through great fatigue; and looked about with wondering eyes.

What struggles he had gone through before I cannot tell.

FIFTH VOYAGE Not even all that I had gone through could make me contented with a quiet life.

"No wonder, after all you have gone through, my poor child!" Rosa clasped her round the neck, and murmured, "O my dear friend, I am tired, so tired!

I think there is no rational creature that would not prefer the life of the strictest Carmelite to the round of hurry and misfortune she has gone through.

At this meeting the subscription had gone through promptly.

It took me quite ten minutes to reach his house, and I felt as if I had gone through a battle when I arrived there at length, quite spent and breathless.

So I sat down on the floor of the passage, which, if damp, was at least soft, and being tired with what I had gone through, and not used to miss a night's rest, fell straightway asleep.

Banks, Solander, Monkhouse, and Tupia at once accompanied Cook ashore, where a ceremony, presumed to be a sort of treaty of peace, was gone through, and then they were permitted to go where they liked.

You are very wrong to disturb yourself about it, and if you had had confidence in me before, I should have told you that all have acted like you, all have gone through that, all, all.

Mrs. Fletcher returned safe to Scotland, where she was known as the heroine who had gone through so much for the love of a villain.

On the one hand I possess too little wit and humour to render my writings amusing; and, on the other, too little knowledge to judge rightly of what I have gone through.

Thus far it is known as the Ashcroft rifle, from the name of the proprietor, Mr. E.H. Ashcroft of Boston, the persevering energy of whose efforts to secure its introduction will probably never be appreciated as it deserves, except perhaps by those who have gone through the trial of bringing out an idea involving in its conception a great public benefit.

It is a splendid method, as it gives the flatterer an opportunity of talking about something else besides the subject of the flattery, and it gives the subject of the flattery a rich, if somewhat bewildered, mental glow, as of one who has somehow gone through agonies of philosophical choice of which he was previously unaware.

He had eaten nothing himself, that he might the better provide, so far as his limited provision went, for his wife and children; he had even gone through the cars with his scanty luncheon of cakes and apples, and economically fed other people's little ones, besides administering to the wants of an invalid lady upon the train, who was journeying alone.

But why, alas, should people, who have gone through the necessary disappointments of life, prepare for themselves others, which may be avoided?

And then he recounted to me what misfortune he had gone through, which forced my money out of his hands, to buy part in a new ship-but says he, you shall not want, take this; and, when my son returns, every farthing shall be paid you.

A single good picture seen in a dealer's window, may give keener enjoyment than a whole exhibition gone through with catalogue and pencil.

If I had not read itindeed, if I had not carefully gone through with the "Devocion de la Cruz", I should not have believed it possible to do what you have done.

I have gone through a great deal since I saw you...." She descended a few steps, her delicate hand still resting on the banisters, her silken kirtle making a soft swishing noise against the polished oak of the stairs.

From that day the peasant and all his family were firm friends of Ethelried's, and would have gone through fire and water to serve him.

The usual preliminary questions and answers were gone through, for in a new country people soon become acquainted, and the gentleman ere long found himself seated at a comfortable hot supperwe will venture to say a fine supper, since the table in this domestic establishment has always been somewhat famous.

This is the third Indian war I have gone through, and now, I suppose, it will be the last.

"You have gone through the Gibraltar passage, without doubt, noble captain, being a gentleman that has got so fine a boat under his orders?" "Duty has taken me into the Italian seas, more than once," answered Ludlow, half disposed to resent this familiarity, though too anxious to keep the periagua near, to quarrel with him who so evidently had produced the unexpected pleasure.

"Short of being supposed an elf, I have gone through the same, and it was not my good father's fault that I did not loathe the very name of preaching or prayer.

3972 examples of  gone through  in sentences