636 examples of good-looking in sentences

Clever, good-looking, versatile, imperious, fond of the romantic pose, Wilhelm was exactly the hero in shining armour that would capture the enthusiasm of this innocent people.

After dinner, when the house party began to settle into its stride, he made occasion, aping the other servants, to peep in at a door of the great ballroom, where an impromptu dance had been organized; and was rewarded by sight of the Princess Sofia circling the floor in the arms of a boldly good-looking young man whose taste was as poor in flirtation as in self-adornment.

After that I took to jewels and dress!' Margaret wondered why she could not help liking him; and by sheer force of habit she thought that he would make a very good-looking stage Romeo.

"And it ain't for me to say, but she had an idea that I was very good-looking in them days.

Blake had only seen that he was a young man, rather good-looking, and of a foreign cast of countenance.

The first, who is good-looking and a respectable old man of about sixty-five years, showed me over the house and grounds, which occupied two hours, for I was anxious to examine everything.

"And if others were also blind to them, why, we should all be good-looking!"

" As the golden-haired Peggy spoke, two good-looking youths came round the corner of the old-fashioned house at Sandy Bay, Long Island, where the two young Prescotts made their home with their maiden aunt, Miss Sally Prescott.

Ralph Marvell's notion of women had been formed on the experiences common to good-looking young men of his kind.

"It is like your impudence to be asking such personal questions as that," Mrs. M'Crawney retorted lightly, with a smile which showed her good-looking when she was not peevish.

He saw himself playing with Carlotta's little golden-haired violet-eyed daughters, and walking hand in hand with her small son Harrison, just such a sturdy, good-looking, wide-awake youngster as Philip Lambert had no doubt been.

I think my bashfulness was mostly owing to my knowing myself to be not very good-looking.

The foot always remained a good-looking one.

Good-looking, straight nose, eyes bright and intelligent.

The war time at the beginning of this century was a trying time for builders, with its high prices and heavy taxes, and some of the good-looking brick buildings of that day turn out to have been very badly built when they are pulled about for alterations.

Besides this, they often stand as models, if they are good-looking fellows, and thus add to their store; and then again, the forestieri (for, as the ancient Romans called strangers barbari, so their descendants call them foresters, wood-men, wild-men) occasionally drop baiocchi and pauls into their hats, still further to increase it.

" She smiled into his keen, good-looking face.

He isn't good-looking, but I like his face.

She had been good-looking at one time, Mrs. Caldigate.'

However, a little pressure applied to Lassoo, the local livery stablekeeper, produced eight baggage ponies and a good-looking cream-coloured steed, with man's saddle, for my wife.

Other Girls not as Good-Looking or Accomplished had been grabbed off while they were Buds.

I counted twelve women and two men in one field plying the sickle, all strongly-built and good-looking and well- dressed withal.

Some of these places were prettily situated under groves of dates and wild fig trees, and they occasionally boasted houses of a decent description; the majority were, however, most wretched, and we were often surprized to see persons respectably dressed, and mounted upon good-looking donkeys, emerge from streets and lanes leading to the most squalid and poverty-stricken dwellings imaginable.

A girl can be good-looking and mighty nice and think a lot of a man, and yet not be the right girl for him.

Of course, there were rumours afloat about a more intimate relationship between the bureau chief and his fairly good-looking housekeeper, who nominally had for her own that part of the flat which faced the courtyard, and these rumours did not escape the boy's keen ears.

636 examples of  good-looking  in sentences