89 examples of gora in sentences

MEDEA is standing in the foreground, behind her at a distance GORA is seen speaking to a servant of the king.

[The slave departs.] (GORA comes forward and addresses MEDEA.)

"Smooth-tongued, the dissembler, the traitor" were these thy words? GORA.


'Twill serve her not GORA.

Once again I tell thee, call her forth! GORA (pointing to Jason).

Go thou within And tell her so! GORA.

My babes! GORA.

Alas, my children! GORA.

First thou wert grim and savage, spak'st Fierce threats of vengeance, now art full Of fears and trembling! GORA.

I would my sire Had slain me long, long years agone When I was small, and had not yet Drunk deep of woe, as now I do Thought heavy thoughts, as now! GORA.

Thou saidst the Argonauts Found each and every one a grave unblest, The wages of their treachery and sin? GORA.

When all is finishedGora, hither! GORA.

Come to me! GORA.

A fearful sight And ghastly! GORA.

No more a thing of terror, but of scorn! GORA.

(She turns to GORA.)

[GORA bursts out of the palace in a frenzy.] GORA.

[GORA bursts out of the palace in a frenzy.] GORA.

[She vanishes down the colonnade.] GORA.

[GORA bursts out of the palace and falls upon her knees in the middle of the stage, covering her face with her hands.

'Twas she? GORA.

Where is she, then? (To GORA.) Ha!

Where's thy mistress? GORA.

Hath she the children? GORA.

89 examples of  gora  in sentences