127986 examples of gotten in sentences

In his Old Acquaintance Mr. Fields wrote: "He [Procter] told me that the law question raised in this epistle was a sheer fabrication of Lamb's, gotten up by him to puzzle his young correspondent, the conveyancer.

He had hardly gotten his eyes open before there fell such a dazzling light on them that he began to blink.

"I thought you would have gotten over that feeling by this time," I ventured.

But we poor fellow creatures have gotten away from the universal mother-color.

Max had gotten through the University of Vermont, studying this and that, anthropology mostly, but he'd gone walkabout instead of buckling down to graduate school.

Moody's hadn't changed much in twenty years; they'd extended the dining room; the non-smoking area had gotten larger.

He'd gotten lucky once at a party in Tallahassee.

His Nam orders had gotten lost somewhere.

It was also perceivable that Lewis and Paul both, were getting weary of the solicitations of the board and complaints of the settlers, and were anxious to be rid of them, and enjoy their ill gotten gains in their own way.

Should I consent to take a part of the ill-gotten spoils, with what confidence could I attempt to stay the hand of the spoiler.

First he thought it was the bad fox, who had gotten in to eat him up, and then he knew the fox couldn't fly around the room that way, or, if it could, it would make ever so much more noise.

"Well," said Sammie, after he had gotten his breath, "if you had had a tail sticking out behind you I would have touched that, and you'd have been out.

Oh, ever so much taller than a house, but not quite so high as the church steeple, and it was a very hard hill to climb, but, once you had gotten to the top, you could see off, ever so far; farther than from here to the end of the rainbow, which is very far indeed.

There's always the reaction to be gotten over with, if they're sudden.

5."The souls that they had gotten," &c. Social equality of Servants and Masters, Condition of the Gibeonites as subjects of the Hebrew Commonwealth, Egyptian Bondage analyzed, OBJECTIONS CONSIDERED.

Eve said, "I have gotten (bought) a man of the Lord."

"He brought them to this mountain which his right hand had purchased," (gotten.)

From this latter has been gotten a hydrocarbon, C{8}H{14}, conylene, homologous with acetylene, C{2}H{2}.

Pyridine, picoline, lutidine, and collidine, the first four members of the pyridine series, have, moreover, all been formed synthetically, although the processes are not such as would yield the products as cheaply as they can be gotten from Dippel's oil.

The United States Government had at last gotten hold of some ten liberated Africans, and had a chance to make use of the agency established for them at so great an expense.

The same day about noone the Sabander borded vs once againe, willing Cornelis Houtman to go on land to speake with the Gouernour, for as then there was no King, for about a Month before our arriuall there, the King was gone with a great armie before the towne of Palimbam, which he thought to take, and had almost gotten it, but there he was stricken with a great Peece by a Renigado of the Portingalles, and so was slaine.

These people liue very hardly and poorely within Bantam, for there is not any work or labour how filthy soeuer it be, but they will do it to get money, and when they haue gotten something they returne againe to China.

The 26. of Ianuarie our Pinace sent her boat to land, to see the Riuer, and there one of our men was sent on shore, but when he was on land he found nothing, but an armie of ten thousand men, that ment to relieue the towne of Ballaboam, and the Riuer was nothing worth to lade water, wherevpon our men came on borde againe: Their Generall thought to haue gotten some great pray out of our shippes.

The 7. our man came on borde againe, and brought vs newes how Rodenburgh with one of the Portingalles slaues, being on lande were against their willes led before the King, but the saylors of the Mauritius had gotten men for pledges.

Had I not deemed it more convenient to destroy them by famine than to smite them with the sword, I should already have gotten forcible mastery of the city, and they would have reaped the fruits of their voyage hither by undergoing the law of vengeance.

127986 examples of  gotten  in sentences