3183 examples of gowned in sentences

She is very large, finely gowned and garlanded with laurel.

To-night a handsome, stylishly gowned woman of about thirty came up to me with a radiant smile and a strange brightness in her eyes.

Slowly along one of these, a bright-gowned merchant rode a white pony, his bells tinkling in the stillness of sea and land.

Gowned in black, as if bent on wearing eternal mourning for Maurice, always erect, stiff, and haughtily silent, she never complained, although her covert exasperation had greatly affected her heart, in such wise that she experienced at times most terrible attacks of stifling.

Thus, months and years went by, and almost every evening when Morange for a moment called on Constance, he found her in the same little silent salon, gowned in the same black dress, and stiffened into a posture of obstinate expectancy.

At one time, when rumors were thick that the Medjlis would give in under the threats and attempted bribery which well-known Russian proteges were employing on many of its members, three hundred veiled and black-gowned Persian women, a large proportion with pistols concealed under their skirts or in the folds of their sleeves, marched suddenly to the Parliament grounds and demanded admission to the Chamber.

Esther noticed these details with vexation and discomfort, for it was part of the change in Mary Coombe that from being one of the most carefully gowned women in town she had become one of the most slovenly.

The sons of men, on the earth below Have scarcely a chance to sin, Churched, belled and gowned, they mope around By precept, all sealed in; There is never a sin for lust of flesh Nor sin for a man struck blow, And the red blood crime of the olden time Has passed with the long ago.

And manly legs, still passing too and fro, Without a gowned beast him fast beside; A vaine ensample of the Persian pride, 750 Who after he had wonne th'Assyrian foe, Did ever after scorne on foote to goe.

Nath'les, my Lute, whom Phoebus deigned to give, Cease not to sound these olde antiquities: For if that Time doo let thy glorie live, Well maist thou boast, how ever base thou bee, That thou art first which of thy nation song Th'olde honour of the people gowned long.

A real Senator and two such young women handsomely gowned seemed to take the old hotel back a score of yearsback to the times when such sights were of daily occurrence.

" As Di spoke, both the fashion-plates looked affectionately at the gray-gowned figure; but, being works of art, they were obliged to nip their feelings in the bud, and reserve their caresses till they returned to common life.

Standing before a window, gazing idly out into the light-spangled night, was a young woman, rather tall and severely gowned in some rich, glistening stuff which fell away sheerly from her splendid bare shoulders.

For a scant instant Mr. Grimm's eyes rested on a young woman who sat a dozen feet away, talking, in playful animation, with an undersecretary of the British embassya young woman severely gowned in some glistening stuff which fell away sheerly from her splendid bare shoulders.

At the gate was Prudence Corson, gowned for travel, reticule in hand, her prettiness shadowed, under the scoop of her bonnet, the toe of one trim little boot meditatively rolling a pebble over the ground.

He and the old collegers were hail-fellow-well-met: and in the quadrangle he 'walked gowned.'" Page 59.

She indicated the gowned Wilbur, who would then have gone joyously to his reward, even as had Jonas Whipple.

This Sibyl Andrés, gowned in clinging white, was a slender, gracefully tall, and beautifully developed woman.

When Mrs. Taine had slipped off her wrap, and stood before him gowned in the dress that so revealed the fleshly charms it pretended to hide, she indicated the letters in the artist's hands, with an insinuating laugh; while there was a glint of more than passing curiosity in her eyes.

Mrs. Murdison, though soberly gowned in slate-coloured worsted, wore a white muslin kerchief which gave her the air of a plump and comfortable Mother Superior.

They must have wondered, in the coach with her, at the change in the calm, unobtrusive, well-gowned gentlewoman, their fellow-passenger.

In London, of course, in the West End productions, dresses are provided, but the engagement is not for a definite period as it would be on a tour, and a curious difficulty arises through this arrangement, since the actress who has once been beautifully dressed has a natural and very comprehensible predilection thenceforward to continue to be so delightfully gowned.

She was gowned in some pale-green material touched here and there with a film of lace.

In going about among the dance halls one is struck with the number of black-gowned girls.

she cried, "I gowned myself, and I wear no paint.

3183 examples of  gowned  in sentences