17 examples of gownsman in sentences

To a person unacquainted with our Universities, the distance between the gownsmen and the townsmen, as they are calledthe trading part of the latter especiallyis carried to an excess that would appear harsh and incredible.

But, he is of your opinion, serjeant, and thinks that a layman can have no authority over a gownsman.

When Mr. Bouncer's party turned the corner of Saint Mary's, they found that the Town, as usual, had taken the initiative, and in a dense body had swept the High Street and driven all the gownsmen before them.

Unused to being questioned in this violent way, the town party at last turned and fled, and the gownsmen went in search of other foes to conquer.

A small group of gownsmen rushed to his rescue.

The gownsmen were all armed with bludgeons, and put under a rude discipline for a few days.

Scholar N. scholar, connoisseur, savant, pundit, schoolman^, professor, graduate, wrangler; academician, academist^; master of arts, doctor, licentitate, gownsman; philosopher, master of math; scientist, clerk; sophist, sophister^; linguist; glossolinguist, philologist; philologer^; lexicographer, glossographer; grammarian; litterateur [Fr.], literati, dilettanti, illuminati, cogniscenti

There were, perhaps, of us gownsmen, two thousand resident in Oxford, and dispersed through five-and-twenty colleges.

When they came into the hall, through the group of lounging gownsmen and tourists, they found Bowie arguing with Mrs. Lewis, in his dogmatic Scotch way, "So ye see, madam, there's no use defending the drunken loon any-more at all; and here will my leddies have just walked their bonny legs off, all through that carnal sin of drunkenness, which is the curse of your Welsh populaaation.

But Elsley had vanished into a chamber bestrewn with plaids, pipes, hob-nail boots, fishing-tackle, mathematical books, scraps of ore, and the wild confusion of a gownsman's den.

What if the schoolboy, grown into a gownsman, shall contribute his share to a set of "Arundines Cami" or "Prolusiones Etonienses?" Will any one who really knows what art or education means complain of them for having imitated their models, however servilely?

Was it for this that our young gownsmen of the greatest expectation and promise, versed in classic lore, steeped in dialectics, armed at all points for the foe, well read, well nurtured, well provided for, left the University and the prospect of lawn sleeves, tearing asunder the shackles of the free born spirit, and the cobwebs of school-divinity, to throw themselves at the feet of the new Gamaliel, and learn wisdom from him?

950 To aid the crown and state his greatest zeal, His second care that service to conceal; Of dues observant, firm to every trust, And to the needy always more than just; Who truth from specious falsehood can divide, Has all the gownsmen's skill without their pride.

It is a day or two before the commencement of the October term, and a small cluster of gownsmen are gathered round to make their several recognitions of returning friends, in spite of shawls, cloaks, petershams, patent gambroons, and wrap-rascals, in which they are enveloped; while our fresh-comer's attention is divided between their sable "curtains" and solicitude for his bags and portmanteau.

He never misses St. Mary's (the University Church) on Sundays, is on his legs directly the psalmody begins, and is laughed at by the other gownsmen.

The shouts of the young men, however, brought up others to their assistance, and a general melee took place, townsmen and gownsmen throwing themselves into the fray without any inquiry as to the circumstances from which it arose.

But in my time the gownsmen would have sallied out and brought him off before this.

17 examples of  gownsman  in sentences