846 examples of grabbed in sentences

"Howdy doody," said the mouth as the thing's hand shot out and grabbed Graham's hand in a vigorous handshake.

He ran inside to the closet and grabbed the bag with Jeanne-Marie inside.

Coming back to his customer, he handed it over and greedily grabbed the precious gemstones.

She wailed like a banshee as she finally grabbed him by the shoulder and shook him as he desperately tried to escape.

Webb landed his machine, jumped out, grabbed an iron cross from one of the terrified Germans, and rose again to join his companions.

The fat woman grabbed pa every little while, and screamed that she wanted to get off and walk, but pa told her to hush up and try to be a man.

And big Brodie grabbed him by the throat and shook him and nearly killed him until Jimmy told.

I shouted that I thought Mr. Ellsworth wanted to see him and he started to run, only Connie grabbed him by the collar, just for fun, and held him back.

I grabbed hold of him and I said, "Bert, Ijust a secondpleaseI have to tell youif I don't see you againI mean so I can speak to youI have to tell you, you're a hero"

I think I touched the bottom nine times before I grabbed the side of the boat.

"After you and the rest of the gang did the shoot the chutes under the table at the wedding breakfast me and his nobs grabbed our make-up boxes and took it on the lope for the ferry station.

He grabbed down the receiver and after waiting for about half an hour some dame said, 'Are you there?'

Our coal land was grabbed by our Uncle, Our copper and fur by the Jews, While another gang took all our salmon And corrupted our natives with booze.

And we've stood for your carpet-bag horde Who have grabbed off the jobs in Alaska As a sort of political reward.

" You never treated us quite right You grabbed away our coal, You reserved all our fire wood And what we've used, we've stole.

Neither of them remained any longer than was necessary on the cold floor, but each grabbed up his half of the bedding, and rolled himself up in it, and lay down with great dignity as far away from the other as he could get, even though he hung far over the edge.

Well, sir, he walks up to the bar and says: 'Can you make me a very sour lemonade, Mr. Bartender?' "I grabbed the edge of the bar and hung tight.

Of course the woman had to come in at that moment and, instead of chastising the little monster, she grabbed it up and hugged it, saying, "Diddums nasty great dog bite um poor ickle Pitti Singums?"

He grabbed dazed Arthur's hand, and pressed hard with his powerful thumb and forefinger upon the edges of the wound.

Moussa Isa reseated himself, grabbed the rope again, and with clear conscience, duty done, calmly awaited that which might follow.

I rushed back into the car, grabbed an armful, and sold forty there.

He grabbed the heavy poker from the chimney corner, and started toward the door.

" Godfrey grabbed the telephone, and I heard him call headquarters, and give terse orders to send a detail at once to the Magnus house, to watch all ferries and trains, and to search all the thieves' haunts in the city for Kate Travis"Lady" Kate.

Lorry jumped up and grabbed a pail as he left the cabin.

" Bronson grabbed up carving-knife and fork.

846 examples of  grabbed  in sentences