15545 examples of gracing in sentences

I will give you an instance of it, which affected me a good deal-'If once more, said he, (the last time but one we were together,) I can but see this sweet child gracing the upper end of my table, as mistress of my house, in my allotted month; all the rest of my family present but as her guests; for so I formerly would have it; and had her mother's consent for it'

Such was the grace heaven sent us, who from perill, Danger of lyfe, the extreamest of all extreames Hathe brought us to the happy patronage Of this most reverent abbott.

Now as thou hop'st of grace Mild.

His grace I'l not despyse, nor thy great love Ever forgett, and iff way may bee fownd To make least satisfaction to the dead, I'l doo't in vowed repentance.

What meanes your grace to be so unkind to all? You drive away good fortune by disdaine.

True, if it please your grace.

Commissions (if it please your grace,) for glasse, For yron Mines, and other needful things.

Father, the state of Meath desire your grace To take the paines to passe unto the Senate.

Your grace did send for me.

I, gracious Lord; and when I gave the charge, A sudden feare, by palenesse, was displai'd Upon her rosie cheeke; the crimson blood, That like a robe of state did beautifie The goodly buildings with a two fold grace, From either side shrunke downewards to her heart

Behoves me to be thankefull to his Grace, And strive in virtue to deserve this place.

well, my Lord, 'twas a good policie, To gaine your bride: I hope your grace did not meane To be thus overrulde, by a proud Sonne.

May it please your grace, By chance entring into Saint Maries Church, This morn by breake of day, I espied That that I know will vexe your Excellence: Your daughter Euphrata is married To the ambitious beggar Constantine.

Nature unto her selfe is too unkind To buzze such scruples into Fredericks minde; Twas a device of man to avoid selfe love, Else every pleasure in one stocke should move, Beautie in grace part never from the kinne.

My beauteous, lovely, and admired love, Come, sit by us in an imperiall chayre, And grace this state throne with a state more fayre.

The will, where power is wanting, is good payment; Grace doth reject no thought, tho' nere so small, So it be good; our God is kind to all.

Excellent, for now must he needes fall into Constables hands, and if he have any grace, twil appear in his face, when he shall be carried through the streete in a white sheet; twill be a good penance for his fault.

Suppose, even, that he had qualified himself, by industry, by thrift, and by study, to win the friendship and be considered worthy the society of such people as these I see around me to-night, gracing my board and filling my heart with gladness; for I am old enough to remember the day when such a gathering would not have been possible in this land.

A far more beautiful tree, gracing equally the forest and the way-side, is the Ash, charming our sight with the gracefulness of its proportions in winter, with its flowing drapery of verdure in summer, and its variety of glowing tints in autumn.

"Sometimes to humour the sense," says he, "and sometimes the melody, a particular syllable is sounded in a higher tone; and this is termed accenting a syllable, or gracing it with an accent.

An expected family event had prevented her from gracing the Coronation.

Charon with his boat is far from heightening the awful grandeur of the universal judgment, though drawn by Angelo himself; nor is it easy to imagine a greater absurdity than that of gracing the walls of a Christian temple, with the figure of Mars leading a hero to battle, or Cupids sporting round a virgin.

My spirit soared And dreamt of you and me with blended lustre Gracing some well-spread and convivial board.

And he names several things,the tariff, the banks, English tithe system, burning widows, etc., and adds: "If you adopt the views of H.C. Wright, as you are reported to have done, in his official bulletin of a 'domestic scene' (where you are made to figure conspicuously among the conquests of the victor as rare spoils gracing the triumphal car), why then we are in one point of doctrine just as wide asunder as extremes can be.

The phonograph was so common that it offered no distinction in gracing Bud's camp; so with much labor and expense he had freighted an upright piano from the distant railroad, an innovation that at first had stunned and then literally taken the natives off their feet.

15545 examples of  gracing  in sentences