108 examples of granary in sentences

The guardian went and opened the door of the first granary and put wheat in the feed-bag until the first granary was entirely empty.

The guardian went and opened the door of the first granary and put wheat in the feed-bag until the first granary was entirely empty.

He opened another granary, which was soon equally exhausted, then a third, and so on in this fashion until all the granaries of the King were emptied.

One day he went into the granary, and a hen followed him and ate the grain.

Then the nobody becomes somebody, the party hack gets busy, the rat is in the granary....

The squirrel has lost his playful air, and has an anxious manner, as though there were no time to waste before stocking his granary.

The first thing it remembered was being very much crowded and jostled by a great many other grains of wheat, all living in the same sack in the granary.

Quite early in the morning, a man and a boy came into the granary, and moved the sack of wheat from its place, wakening all the grains from their last nap.

And these were the very two boys who had played in the granary and made so much noise the summer before.

But the learned grain and her family had been laid away in the granary for seed wheat.

The fame of Egypt was never quite forgotten, nor all its history, for Egypt was the world's granary, and closely accessible to the ships of Corinth and Rome; and Egypt never lost her civilization in all her long succession of enslavement.

San Michele in Orto, or more probably in Horreo (meaning either in the garden or in the granary), was once part of a loggia used as a corn market, in which was preserved a picture by Ugolino da Siena representing the Virgin, and this picture had the power of working miracles.

Where the picture then was, I cannot saywhether inside the building or outbut the principal use of the building was to serve as a granary.

The straining-table is being cleaned by the table 'mate' and his coolies, while the washerman stamps on his sheets and press-cloths to extract all the colour from them, and the cake-house boys run to and fro between the cutting-table and the cake-house with batches of cakes on their heads, borne on boards, like a baker taking his hot rolls from the oven, or like a busy swarm of ants taking the spoil of the granary to their forest haunt.

Rich in mineral wealth, possessed of lands that were once the granary of the world, watered by amazing rivers, and with its strategic position on the Mediterranean that holds the master-key of the Black Sea in its hands, it has remained the most barbaric and least progressive of all states.

That in the contest between the tyrants and the Roman general, that most beautiful and celebrated city, formerly the granary and treasury of the Roman people, which was held up as the reward of the victor, had been destroyed; a city by whose munificence and bounty the commonwealth had been assisted and adorned on many occasions, and lastly, during this very Punic war.

This is their citadel, their granary, their treasury, their magazine, their receptacle for every thing.

The granary doors were broken open, and the contents were scrambled for, amid immense waste, by the starving wretches.

Oudin and Papilette were to take turns of duty, while the others with their horses had snug quarters in a great wooden granary.

Wash the floor and sides of the granary with a mixture of urine and water before the corn is stored up; this washing is to be repeated several times, the walls and floors of the granary being well swept between each operation.

Wash the floor and sides of the granary with a mixture of urine and water before the corn is stored up; this washing is to be repeated several times, the walls and floors of the granary being well swept between each operation.

A plain white-washed building, with few and small windows, apparently created out of a barn or granary and an old farm-house, was encircled by a high wall enclosing also a muddy courtyard, and a garden destined to supply the fraternity merely with the necessary herbs and seeds on which the meagre-fed brethren were nourished.

To bring that about, Conde thought the best thing was to besiege Chartres, "the key to the granary of Paris," as it was called, and "a big thorn," according to La Noue, "to run into the foot of the Parisians."

For example, Anacharsis Cloots, who is a member of the Committee of Public Instruction, and who one should, of course, expect not to be more ignorant than his colleagues, has lately advised them to distress the enemy by invading Scotland, which he calls the granary of England.

It is a good example of a mediaeval granary, and is said to be of the same age as the N.W. tower of the Cathedral.

108 examples of  granary  in sentences