11591 examples of grandest in sentences

Whatever may have been the dark and questionable actions of his lifeand in this narrative we shall endeavor to furnish a plain and unvarnished picture of the manner in which he lived,it is certain that, as a philosopher and as a moralist, he furnishes us with the grandest and most eloquent series of truths to which, unilluminated by Christianity, the thoughts of man have ever attained.

This Universe, the grandest and loveliest work of nature, and the Intellect which was created to observe and to admire it, are our special and eternal possessions, which shall last as long as we last ourselves.

It presents the picture of that grandest of all spectacles "A good man struggling with the storms of fate.

Some twenty-three years ago this European celebrity enjoyed a tour through the United States, and visited most of the grandest features of our native land.

The building itself is seven stories high, and in its center, forming what may be described as the grandest enclosed court in the world, is a circular space 144 feet across and roofed in with glass at a great height.

The geyser was for years regarded as the grandest spring in the park, before its exceptionally great features prevailed or became apparent.

The Mississippi River is the largest and grandest in North America.

The falls, next to those of Niagara, are the grandest on the continent.

Not that the rant was very blamable in a lad of eighteen; for have we not all, while we are going through our course of Shelley, talked very much the same abominable stuff, and thought ourselves the grandest fellows upon earth on account of that very length of ear which was patent to all the world save our precious selves; blinded by our self-conceit, and wondering in wrath why everybody was laughing at us?

My journey was that of a conquerornot of a conqueror who subdues his race, either by Love or by Will, for I forgot that Man existedbut one victorious over the grandest as well as the subtlest forces of Nature.

The outer walls were very much shattered on that occasion, but the enormous towers and the gateway, the grandest specimen of Saracenic architecture in the East, still remain entire.

It was the grandest sight the boy had ever seen!

In a word it appears to me the grandest work imagined or made by man, and when combined with its extreme utility, far surpasses what is related of the Seven Wonders of the world.

I had figured to myself the grandest ideas of this stupendous building, but the aspect of it far exceeded the sketch even of my imagination.

Of the fountains the grandest and most striking is that of Trevi, which lies at the foot of Quirinal Hill.

I could not refrain from laughing at this sally, tho' I was much impressed with the solemnity of the scene, which I think one of the grandest and most sublime

"Falconer was one of the grandest lawyers California ever had; and in a way he made himself, though he came of the best blood we've got."

" He watched her face fearfully, as he ventured this, never having dared as much before; and seeing that she turned away, he drew her attention to El Capitan, grandest of the near mountains.

Nature, on the grandest scale and with the "grand manner," she thought, had given him his education; had been for him at once schoolmistress, guide, and companion.

Fortunately it can be easily disproved, and I am desirous of finally settling this vexed question because I consider the conception of this simplest of all conventional alphabets one of the grandest of Morse's inventions, and one which has conferred great good upon mankind.

They had fallen below as they had fallen aboveCroz a little in advance, Hadow near him, and Hudson behind, but of Lord Francis Douglas we could see nothing.[50] We left them where they fell, buried in snow at the base of the grandest cliff of the most majestic mountain of the Alps.

This passage led me into an open space, the grandest of all, loftily vaulted, full of genie riches and buried treasures of light, the million-fold ensemble of lustres dancing schottishe with the eye, as it moved or was still: this place, I should guess, being quite half a mile from the entrance.

The iron will, the splendid courage, of La Salle had triumphed over every obstacle and made him one of the grandest characters in history.

Then came Tisri, the seventh month, the greatest and grandest of the months.

Oh! that we were all strong, strong in this highest, grandest form of strength, mighty giants in spirit!

11591 examples of  grandest  in sentences