3513 examples of grandfathers in sentences

The roads are lined with peasants armed with all sorts of weapons, iron spikes, dung-forks, clubs, scythes, and old swords from the time of our great-grandfathers.

This is the age of progress, and up-to-date people don't want to depend on the old-time methods that were good enough for their grandfathers.

That there is less beauty in the present race of females, than in those who entered the world with us, all of us are inclined to think, on whom beauty has ceased to smile; but our fathers and grandfathers made the same complaint before us; and our posterity will still find beauties irresistibly powerful.

If it should be so (as God grant it may), there is little fear but that the labouring men of England will find their aristocracy able to lead them in the battle-field, and to develop the agriculture of the land at home, even better than did their grandfathers of the old war time.

'These properties were purchased in our great-grandfathers' times; the accounts in the banks were opened long before our oldest citizens were born.

When, after much trying of temper, much exercise of patience, you had accomplished the task, there was a beautiful bit of mosaic work, a picture, a harmonious whole, lovely to look upon, something worthy of the admiring approbation of uncles and aunts, grandmothers and grandfathers.

It was by just such an enterprise as this that their Norman fathers and grandfathers had won their Welsh domains.

Few of our great-grandfathers lived to see steam applied as a motive power for locomotion.

Shade of my royal grandfathers!

In these days the long sittings that delighted our grandfathers have completely given way to an early break up, a quiet cigar, and a general retreat, if not to bed, at least to other scenes and other society.

We know of no more unsavory calling than this, unless it be that of the Egyptian dealers in mummy, peddling out their grandfathers to be ground into pigment.

The dandy mare, we suppose, has many long years ago made fat the great-grandfathers of the present race of dogs; and old Scroggins, we imagine, has been trod to pieces in boots and shoes, the very memory of which departed long, long before they were paid for.

"I don't believe our grandfathers and grandmothers were always such models of decorum as they tried, when they had grown old, to make us think.

] Long agobut not so very long ago; our grandfathers remember itthe Lord God wanted to punish the people of the world for their wickedness.

They must be getting hard up for men to be using up the grandfathers of that age.

They name their houses after places where their grandfathers lived or should have lived.

This is (or was lately) a charming survival from the days of our grandfathers with a three-decker, old room-like pews, and double galleries.

Contemporary prints are occasionally met with in curiosity shops that bring vividly before us this specimen of the "Gothic madness" of our great grandfathers.

They admitted, further, that what their grandfathers had done in 1789, had been in a measure confirmed by the action of their fathers in 1820.

The fathers or grandfathers of these peoples had themselves been frontiersmen, and they were still under the influences of the traditions which told of a constant march westward through the vast forests, and a no less constant warfare with a hostile savagery.

During the period we are now discussing, this arrangement lost favour in the eyes of our grandfathers, and the lowest member only was retained, which is now termed the "skirting board.

For some reason utterly beyond him, there was solace as well as humiliation in the consciousness of a stigma, if such it be, that attached equally to both his grandfathers, and not only to his mother's parent.

Both grandfathers were dead long before Keith was born.

This one of his grandfathers used to love wine, women, cards and everything else that helped to modify life's general drabness.

" Grand was not exempt from the common foibles of grandfathers, and he was specially infatuated in favour of the little Hugh, who was a most sweet-tempered and audacious child, and when his son went on, "Those two little scamps are getting so troublesome, that they will have to be sent to school very shortly," he said, almost in a grumbling tone, "They're always good enough when they're with me.

3513 examples of  grandfathers  in sentences