902 examples of grandma in sentences

He fed Grandpa and Grandma; But when he went one day To the dark forest seven wolves In waiting for him lay.

"Grandma was a slave woman.

"Grandma was sold in South Carolina to Mississippi and sold again to Dr. Shelton.

Grandma says, 'You think you is some pumpkin, don't you, honey child.'

Grandma was a house girl.

Grandma lived to be ninety-five years old.

"Grandma told us about freedom.

Grandma said that night she melted pewter and made dots on her best dress.

But grandma kept the name of Elmore from South Carolina because he was good to her.

In slavery times my grandma was almost as free as she was in freedom because of her work.

"After they was free and my father had gotten large enough to work and didn't have no horse, my grandma was going 'round waiting on womenthat is all she didall the rest of the people had gotten large and left home.

My grandma used to steal newspapers out of his house and take them down to the quarters and leave them there where there were one or two slaves that could read and tell how the War was goin' on.

"When the slaves wanted something said they would have my grandma say it because they knew she wouldn't be whipped for it.

You see they let the white folks go to the church in the morning and the colored folks in the evening, and my grandma didn't always want to go.

"Grandpa was sold away from grandma and three children.

Mama and grandma said Master Coon and old Mistress Mollie was good to them.

Grandma was washing when a Yank come and told them they had been sot free.

My own grandma on mother's side was in South Carolina.

"I was named Patsy after grandma in Virginia.

Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Frozie Moss (dark mulatto), Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 69 "When my grandma whut raised me got free she and grandpa come to Memphis and didn't stay there long till they went to Crittenden County on a man's farm.

My grandma was born in Alabama and my grandpa in Virginia.

Jimmie Stansberry was the man that bought or brought mama and grandma to Louisiana.

"My grandma's mistress and mama's mistress and my mistress was Miss Jennie Brawner at Thomasville, Georgia.

The tale of Grandma Goose; illustrated by Harry L. Smith.

Grandma Miles (A. Marie Miles)

902 examples of  grandma  in sentences