5172 examples of grasp in sentences

" [Illustration: Mr. Chase, with his friend in his powerful grasp, was doing his best, as he expressed it, to shake the life out of him] FAIRY GOLD "Come and have a pint and talk it over," said Mr. Augustus Teak.

The next moment the supper-table was overturned with a crash, and Mr. Chase, with his friend in his powerful grasp, was doing his best, as he expressed it, to shake the life out of him.

Him did I see snatch up with horrid grasp Two sprawling Greeks, in either hand a man; I saw him when with huge, tempestuous sway He dashed and broke them on the grundsil edge; The pavement swam in blood, the walls around Were spattered o'er with brains.

Although she still possessed the ability to handle dialogue, to analyze subtle complex characters, and to attain a philosophical grasp of the problems of existence, yet her weakening powers were shown in the length of tedious passages, in an undue prominence of ethical purpose, in the more studied and, on the whole, duller characters, and in the prolixity of style.

He says: "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?" As he sits in the twilight, holding his wife's hand, and talking in a half-musing way, it is readily seen that his love for this beautiful but soulless woman has caused many of his failures and sorrows in the past, and will continue to arouse conflicts of soul in the future.

Grasp eagerly every opportunity for the development of skill in clear and forceful expression.

Sometimes very brilliant ideas come in flashes, and inasmuch as they are so fleeting, it is wise to grasp them and fix them while they are fresh.

To grasp this fact is to see that we really never form anything more than a conjecture of what we shall do under circumstances which are still to happen; although we often take our conjecture for a resolve.

I stared at the verses as if the ink would change colour and show some other sense, and then a veil seemed drawn across the writing, and the meaning to slip away, and be as far as ever from my grasp.

She haunted him by day and by night,worse by night than by day,for he dreamed continually of standing just the other side of a window-sill across which Victorine reached snowy little hands and laid them in his, and just as he was about to grasp them the vision faded, and he waked up to find himself alone.

'Tis I, the king, who bid thee stand; Grasp with thy hand my royal hand Stand forth!

Disappointed of a share of the booty, the savages were frantic with rage, especially when they saw I had eluded their grasp.

He gnashed his teeth, uttered a harsh, fierce exclamation of rage, and seized my throat with one hand, while he made a desperate attempt, with the other, to grasp my knife, which, in the struggle, had fortunately fallen just beyond his reach.

One by one the sands are flowing, One by one the moments fall; Some are coming, some are going; Do not strive to grasp them all.

When the foot is down, resting on the ground, grasp the heels in your strong hand, press them inwards towards the frog, and you will immediately find that they will yield.

"Why grasp?" cried the one"Why throw away?" cried the other; and thus exclaiming, they dashed furiously together.

Good-bye!" He held out his hand, but before I could grasp it a mist again enveloped me, from which I emerged upon the dreadful facts of life.

"A man's reach must exceed his grasp."

I received several severe wounds on my hands and feet, and frequently fell down on the ground, when I trusted for support to the treacherous stem of a banana, which would break beneath my grasp.

" The leader tightened his grasp threateningly, and Simpson, weeping tears of rage, surrendered the plunder.

As in that twilight, superstitious age When all beyond the narrow grasp of mind Seem'd fraught with meanings of supernal kind, When e'en the learned philosophic sage, Wont with the stars thro' boundless space to range.

They saw the sceptre of despotic authority was to be wrested from their grasp.

Yet his heart leaped in surprisea surprise which did not leave him wholly clear as to the other's motiveswhen the latter met his hand with so hearty a grasp of affirmation.

they're crush'd within our grasp, While forward th' rushing stream flows fast And soon the beauteous scene is past.

And deeper joy, serener faith, Spring forth the golden crowns to grasp, While death, the monarch, gently lay'th Upon their brows a kinglier clasp.

5172 examples of  grasp  in sentences