10 examples of grayish-brown in sentences

It is a well-proportioned, rather handsome little pine, with grayish-brown bark, and crooked, much-divided branches, which cover the greater portion of the trunk, not so densely, however, as to prevent its being seen.

He was usually a well-dressed man, with a kind face, and a head of thick, grayish-brown hair.

In the pocket thus revealed were many pills, apparently hand-moulded, of a grayish-brown substance, putty-soft.

But for that faint light it would have been impossible for him to distinguish paths from fields, for that was a snowless winter, and all things had the same grayish-brown colour.

The nurse stood watching, long after her soldier had become indistinguishable in the swinging, grayish-brown mass.

On potato these bacilli grow like those of glanders, forming a grayish-brown layer on the surface.

Sexes alike, but young very different, being grayish-brown above with many white or buff spots, and white below with black streaks.

A broad, lozenge-shaped Tartar face, with great cheekbones and massive jaws; a low forehead surmounted by a dense brush of up-standing grayish-brown hair; beetling brows and eyes deep-set, fierce and furtive; combined to make a sufficiently unprepossessing countenance.

"There was his hair; a coarse, wiry mop of a queer grayish-brown.

The fierce, furtive, hunted manner; the restless suspicion; the mop of grayish-brown hair.

10 examples of  grayish-brown  in sentences