36 examples of grayness in sentences

"The grayness of the dawn was illuminated by sheets of green and red flame and black oily clouds rolled along the valley toward the river like smoke from a burning 'gusher.'

The shadows grew long, and finally merged into the grayness of the mellow twilight.

" That is how it came that Mr. Neelands took the out-trail when all the signs were against travelling, but to his unaccustomed eye there was nothing to fear in the woolly grayness of the sky, nor in the occasional snowflake that came riding on the wind.

A lantern flashing in and out among barns lit up my ceiling for a moment, a rough country voice hailed another rough country voice somewhere outside, and the day slowly coughed and sneezed itself awake in the six-o'clock grayness.

He paints life in its grayness and sordidness and dull mediocrity.

Her eyes were shining as though the moonlight had got into their misty grayness.

Long, ethereal, floating white feathers drooped from the heads of tremendous boulders that were gray with the glossy grayness of old silver.

She had known quite well that there was another, but to have the confession come out in words seemed to make her feel the grayness of life rather more intensely than she had felt it before.

The sun had long since set; a solemn grayness was brooding over the water, and the first faint stars were beginning to twinkle over the crest of Mount Tamalpais.

The night was thinning into the grayness of dawn when he took her to the waiting carriage.

The road led him through a heavy wood, and when he came out at the other end he stopped to gaze at the stars, for already a grayness seemed to have come into the night.

But in the grayness and gauntness of him there was something that was mightier than the strength of youth.

[Illustration: "I'M THE ONE WILL HAVE TO BE CAUGHT"] From a high, tented wagon in one such train, creaking its rough way down Emigration Cañon, with straining oxen and tired but eager people, there had leaped one late afternoon the girl whose eyes were to call to him so potently,incomparable eyes, large and deep, of a velvety grayness, under black brows splendidly bent.

The moon had gone, and over on his left a soft grayness began to show above the line of the hills.

None the less, I know that I am real, and certainly the grayness before me is real.

Well, no matter what befell Ruric yonder, it must be that in this grayness there is some other being who is real and dissatisfied.

For an instant Calvert could not see who his visitor was, for, though the firelight was bright, the room was much in shadow from the grayness of the afternoon and the heavy hangings at the long windows.

Grayness should have been creeping upon her, but it was not.

There was a grayness about his cheeks; fine, wire-like lines about his mouth.

And in their grayness and their desolation they are one with each other and with the network of low walls that links them to the last solitary farm on the High Moor.

Sunshine and glow were the characteristics of the first school, grayness and sobriety of the second.

Quebec grayness infused with light softened the autumn world.

I thought of that when one by one the stars melted and the moon became a breath, and up over the wide grayness crept color and radiance and the sun himself, the sky soaring higher and higher, like a great thin bubble of flaky hues,and, all about, nothing but the everlasting wash of waters broke the sacred hush.

Once a terrible storm came on, and years after, at the Lyceum, the Brocken Scene in "Faust" brought back the scene to my mindthe thunder and lightning and the creatures crawling on every side, the grayness of the whole thing.

His hair was singularly shaggy and picturesque in its tawny grayness, and wavy, wiry length.

36 examples of  grayness  in sentences