31 examples of great-uncles in sentences

You killed Messalina, whose great-uncle I was no less than yours.

Among these was a very, very old man, whom he afterwards heard was a great-uncle and a centenarian.

Instead of the last words he gives un cuor di virtù armato, being over-scrupulous for his great-uncle's reputation. XXXII.

DREAM-CHILDREN A REVERIE Children love to listen to stories about their elders, when they were children; to stretch their imagination to the conception of a traditionary great-uncle, or grandame, whom they never saw.

The eloquence of his great-uncle Sebastiano hath fallen upon him.

A year later, in 1149, he placed himself in open opposition to Stephen as claimant to the English throne, by visiting the court of his great-uncle, David of Scotland, at Carlisle; he was knighted by the Scot king, and made a compact to yield up to David the land beyond the Tyne when he should himself have won the English throne.

He intended to receive his admission from his great-uncle, David, King of Scotland; and for that purpose he passed through England with a great retinue, and was attended by the most considerable of his partisans.

'What is the name of your great-uncle?' 'He is the Cardinal de Laval de Montmorency.' 'Precisely.

In the monks' garden, there is a marble statue of Pan, which the gardener told us, was brought by the "Wicked Lord" (great-uncle of Byron) from Italy, and was supposed by the country people to represent the devil, and to be the object of his worshipa natural idea enough, in view of his horns and cloven feet and tail, tho this indicates at all events, a very jolly devil.

Was there not a traditionary great-uncle who died in an asylum?

Thinking of it drove my great-uncle, poor Tom Jarndyce, to blow his brains out.

"There was a great-uncle of yours in the days of the John Company, wasn't there?

He felt a sudden pity for his great-grandmother and great-uncles and aunts.

Well, we had such a dinner last night after I arrivedsoup, fish, everything popped on to the table for Great-uncle John to carve at one end, and Great-aunt Maria at the other!

Kumodini Babu's family priest decided that Ásár 28th would be a lucky day for the wedding, which was to be held at the bride's great-uncle's house in Calcutta.

"You know my great great-uncle?"

" Bargrave and Co. were Mr. Bruce's solicitors, as they had been his great-uncle's: it was the same firm, indeed, that had apprised him of his inheritance at Calais twenty years ago.

" "Would you give your great-uncle Lillyvick a kiss, if he was to ask you, Morleena?" said the collector, with some hesitation.

I arrived in time to witness my great-uncle's last moments.

MACAULAY, Rev. Kenneth (Lord Macaulay's great-uncle), colds caught at St. Kilda, on, ii. 51, 150; v. 278; History of St. Kilda, ii. 150; Johnson visits him, v. 118; disbelieves his having written the History, v. 119; calls him 'a bigot to laxness,' v. 120; praises his magnanimity, ii. 51, 150; v. 278.

Her great-uncles were William Ward, R.A., and George Morland; John Jackson, R.A., was her uncle; and her husband, Edward M. Ward, to whom she was married at sixteen, was also a Royal Academican.

He was very well pleased to include the two great-uncles among the new and interesting objects about him.

Bearer of a great name, and inheritor of the splendours and riches of his great-uncle, the Cardinal, who was Louis XII.'s right-hand man, and, in his day, the most powerful subject in Europe, the Duc was born with the football of fortune at his feet; and probably no man who has ever lived so shamefully prostituted such magnificent opportunities and gifts.

His grandfather was an old Scotch schoolmaster at Hadley, near Barnet, and his great-uncle was the well known Judge Garrow.

The only inhabitants of education were the clergyman, a man of great simplicity of character, who had never been at the University, and my great-uncle, of above fourscore, and a recluse.

31 examples of  great-uncles  in sentences