32 examples of great decision in sentences

Before this Letter reaches you great decisions will have been taken.

Still, Mr. Bragg was a man of great decision, and, in his way, of very far-sighted views; and, singular as it may seem, at that unpropitious moment, he mentally determined that, at no very distant day, he would make Miss Eve Effingham his wife.

"What would I have done?" she said, trembling with the excitement of a great decision.

Mr. Jarvis, though a man of much modesty, was one of great decision, and he determined to have the laugh on his side.

Daggett was a man of fertile resources, and great decision of character.

The general form is that of a half H. The projection in the center, forming: at once porch and tower, and the two wings supported on pillars, give great decision of effect to it.

He spoke with great decision and Maloney looked up and followed his words closely.

Creedon was restless and excited all the evening; for him a great decision was to be rendered.

In the face of so terrible an emergency Peel acted with great decision.

Matters look serious at the South; they are mad there; great decision and prudence will be required to restore them to reason again, but they are so hot-headed, and are so far committed, I know not what will be the issue.

" This was said without the intonation of fierceness or malignity, but with great decision and the vigor of high spirit.

Great decisions are made or great impulses given or withheld in the life of a man or a nation often so quietly that their critical character is seen only in retrospect.

Here is the region of great decisions.

On the contrary, we must strive to call up the entire forces of the nation, and prepare and arm for the great decision which impends.

"And then the 'seven hundred and fifty tons of the black!It was giving an opinion with great decision.

In personal deportment he is unobtrusive and silent; his sterling qualities are veiled by reserve, and are in themselves such as make the least showclearness and judgment, prudence and great decision.

CHAPTER II GREAT DECISIONS While Washington was bearing with military fortitude the rigors and annoyances of the imitation court in which he was confined, Congress reached decisions that had a vast effect in determining the actual character of the government.

Strictly religious, of immaculate reputation, rigidly just, systematically charitable, dignified in her manners, yet more than courteous to her inferiors, and gifted at the same time with great self-control and great decision, she was looked up to by all within her sphere with a sentiment of affectionate veneration.

Sir Thomas More seems to have emulated this beautiful example; for, being Lord Chancellor of England at the same time that his father was a Judge of the King's Bench, he would always, on his entering Westminster Hall, go first to the King's Bench, and ask his father's blessing before he went to sit in the Court of Chancery, as if to secure success in the great decisions of his high and important office.

But it was all over with his command of time, his liberty to make up his mind slowly on the great decision.

"So that, from point to point, now have you heard The fundamental reasons of this war; Whose great decision hath much blood let forth, And more thirsts after.

"Yes," answered Valentine, with great decision; "she is all that and more, she is very affectionate, and has a good temper.

"You had better go," she said, with great decision.

We were ushered into the superintendent's office, and found him a fine, noble-looking man, with a clear, mild eye, and an expression of great decision and energy.

He spoke with great decision against the personal adherents of the King, men who looked to the Czar rather than to their own sovereign, and carried their subservience even to treason.

32 examples of  great decision  in sentences