63 examples of greate in sentences

All we really know is that in 1538 "the bones, by command of the Lord (Thomas) Cromwell, were there and then burnt ... the spoile of the shrine in golde and precious stones filled two greate chests such as six or seven strong men could doe no more than convey one of them out of the church."

no searche, they playnlye shewe themselves, And in theire greatnes crowne what made them greate.

Then your knowledge Has no true ryghte doone to it, beinge so greate To be so littill famed.

Or arte so greate an Infydell to doute My mischeifes snayle-pacst that thou spurst on newe In full carryere uppon me? Did.

And so it had, But that my Fortune knewe my deathe woulde be Toe greate a blessinge for me & remove The object of her envye past her spleene.

I say and sweare by all dyvinitie That can rewarde or punyshe, tys most true That with a summe of goulde and further hopes Of future honors he did wynne my promysse To poyson the greate Palladyne.

Bothe for hymselfe and hys; for, greate sir, nowe He onlye wayts on hys partycullar, Seeks from a cuntrye comonwealth to rayse All hys to cuntrye fortunes; which, they say, Is safest, surest, and least envyed.

Shall not we doe as the kynge does; manners give place to pollycie and I am suer greate formall outsyds thynke it an aspyringe pollycie to doe or seeme to doe as the kinge dothe.

Why, noble lorde, you knowe Disgrace is ever like the greate assay Which turnes imperfytt mettalls into fume And shewes pure gould to have an absolute valewe Because it styll remayns unchaungable Disgrace can never scarre a good mans sence, Tys an undaunted harte shoes Innocence: Shame in a guyltie man (like wounds & scratches In a corrupted fleshe) may ranckell deepe, Good mens dishonors heale before they weepe.

Waytinge on courtyers is like knocking at greate mens gatts in dynner tyme: well may a man make a noyse but hunger & hard fare keepes the porter deafe styll.

Greate Sir, I was toe impudent even nowe To trooble you with my token; good Sir, please To give it me agayne: a meaner man Shall serve my humble messadge.

Be wysser you That undertake the greate & hallowed leauge Of frendlye comforte.

Treason so greate as thys Was never seene synce man had power to wishe.

They call this place Marcellis Roade, the cheiff haven towne in France, but hee keepes a road[50] in his oune howse wherein have ridd and bin ridd more leakinge vessayles, more panderly pinks, pimps and punkes, more rotten bottoms ballanst, more fly-boates laden and unladen every morninge and evenning tyde then weare able to fill the huge greate baye of Portingall.

Morninge and eveninge They deyly com to mattens and to evensonge; Such and so greate is theire devotion.

Enter after a greate Tempestuous storme Mr. Ashburne an Englishe marchant and his man Godfrey.

Syr, it putt me In minde of the greate King Agathocles, Who was, as I have heard you oft relate, Brain'd with a Tyle.

Whilst all the rest of our fraternity In feare of that greate tempest weare att prayers, Wee too pickt out that tyme of least suspition And in the orchard hand to hand weare att it.

Erasmus sayd, the revival of learning seemed appoynted by Heaven for some greate purpose.

The gentleman, with kyndest sayings and greate courtesey, retraced their steps; when in this saide momente, this straynge occurrence came to passye raine descended, though the moone and millions of starres were shyneing bryght.

"Right reverend fader in God, right trusty and right wel-beloved, we grete yow wele, and wol and charge you that under oure greate seale, being in your warde, ye do make in all haist our lettres of proclamation severally to be directed unto the shirrefs of everie countie within this oure royaume.

"Forasmoche as we by divers meanes bene credebly enformed and undarstand for certyne, that owr greate adversary Henry, naminge hym selfe kynge of England, by the maliceous counseyle and exitacion of Margaret his wife, namynge hir selfe queane of England, have conspired," &c.EDWARD IV: Letter of Privy Seal.

The principall vse of them is at Nouum, for so longe a paire of Bard cater treas be walking on the bourd, so longe can ye not cast fiue, nor nine, vnles it be by greate chance, that the roughnes of the table, or some other stoppe force them to stay, and runne against their kinde: for without Cater or trea, ye know that fiue or nine can neuer come.

He promiseth me greate good.

"Ye clothes play a greate part in ye arte of courtinge.

63 examples of  greate  in sentences