93 examples of greensward in sentences

There were no games on the greensward, no swimming in the river, no excursion to the Malvern cherry groves.

" Then he chose the stoutest bow among them all, next to Robin's own, and a straight gray goose shaft, well-feathered and smooth, and stepping to the markwhile all the band, sitting or lying upon the greensward, watched to see him shoothe drew the arrow to his cheek and loosed the shaft right deftly, sending it so straight down the path that it clove the mark in the very center.

There he saw a party of right jovial fellows seated beneath the spreading oak that shaded the greensward in front of the door.

We admired it exceedingly, entirely careless what critics might think of us if they knew it.... From the state rooms we were taken to the top of the Round Tower, where we gained a magnificent view of the Park of Windsor, with its regal avenue, miles in length, of ancient oaks; its sweeps of greensward; clumps of trees; its old Herne oak, of classic memory; in short, all that constitutes the idea of a perfect English landscape.

meadow, mead, haugh^, pasturage, park, field, lawn, green, plat, plot, grassplat^, greensward, sward, turf, sod, heather; lea, ley, lay; grounds; maidan^, agostadero^. Adj. champaign^, alluvial; campestral^, campestrial^, campestrian^, campestrine^. 345.

A border of orange, plantain, and bread trees, planted round a greensward where Virginia and Paul sometimes danced, was called Concord.

Sometimes at the sound of Domingo's tantam she appeared upon the greensward, bearing a pitcher upon her head, and advanced with a timid step towards the source of a neighbouring fountain, to draw water.

Yesterday I drove out with Mrs. Townley and G., and three tired people we were, too tired even to play the gentle game of croquet; glad to sit still in comfortable chairs on the greensward and steep ourselves in the peace and quietness.

A fire had been kindled on the greensward in front of the tent, and above it stood a tripod, from which depended a large tin camp-kettle.

Thousands of beautiful flowers decked the greensward, and numbers of little birds hopped about among them.

' "I was very glad my father was not angry, and following him over the greensward we quickly reached the boat, where the box was stowed away under the bow to keep it from injury.

But that gentleman, having been deserted by all the ladies, was walking up and down the greensward in front of the house, smoking a cigar.

The cruel, blasphemous shouts of the men, as they made their long-suffering horses drag the huge, dismembered trunks across the beautifully levelled greensward of the cricket ground, were positively heart-rending.

Thou art on the greensward dying, Underneath the greenwood lying!

He noticed the glitter of the greenhouses, and thought the cawing of some young rooks a sweet sound; a great tortoiseshell cat lay basking in the middle of the greensward, whisking its furry tail.

A quantity of lovely little villas stud the banks, some ensconced snugly in cosy nooks, others standing out boldly upon the rich greensward; and, for a background, you have full-bosomed hills, rich in forest monarchs, clad in their dense and dark mantles.

Externally the book showed manifest traces of a schoolboy's ownership, in broken corners; plentiful ink-stains, from exercises and punishments; droppings of illicit candle grease, consumed long after curfew-time; round marks like fairy rings on a greensward, which indicated the standpoint of extinct jam potswhere are those jam pots now?

Here was a view of the School Library, with its patch of greensward separating it from the dust and traffic of the road.

Six years since we remember seeing a fine young specimen in the enjoyment of an ample enclosure of greensward, and a spacious bath has since been added to the accommodations.

" He walked slowly across the lawna noble stretch of level greensward with dark spreading cedars and fine old beeches scattered about it; he walked slowly towards the gates, lighting his cigar as he went, and thinking.

Thinking of this, she walked along the soft greensward.

innocently fair, Frisking on the greensward, leaping in the air, Crying, "Jones is in the whins again!

The broad walks are covered with gravel, and rise in short terraces between the sunlit greensward: it is charming, delightful here, but by no means imposing.

In Sweden, it is not only in the country, but even in several of the provincial towns, that one sees whole houses of grass turf or with roofs of grass turf; and some are so low that one might easily spring up to the roof, and sit on the fresh greensward.

"Then threw Frithiof down his mantle, and upon the greensward spread, And the ancient king so trustful laid on Frithiof's knee his head; Slept, as calmly as the hero sleepeth after war's alarms On his shield, calm as an infant sleepeth in its mother's arms.

93 examples of  greensward  in sentences