4 examples of greese in sentences

The king of the said land of Iaua hath a most braue and sumptuous pallace, the most loftily built, that euer I saw any, and it hath most high greeses and stayers to ascend vp to the roomes therein contained, one stayre being of siluer, and another of gold, throughout the whole building.

An' dey fry up de fatfry it up wid some of de hog hairs an' dey greesed me good.

The Flowers perfumed the Air with Smells of Incense, Amber-greese, and Pulvillios; and were so interwoven with one another, that they grew up in Pieces of Embroidery.

he thought he'd git his taters, but he got fooled es slick es greese." "How was that?" asked Robert.

4 examples of  greese  in sentences