14 examples of greve in sentences

And because thei ben so trewe and so rightfulle and so fulle of alle gode condiciouns, thei weren nevere greved with tempestes ne with thondre ne with leyt ne with hayl ne with pestylence ne with werre ne with hungre ne with non other tribulaccioun, as wee ben many tymes amonges us, for our synnes.

The corpses of the two marshals were dragged into the court-yard of the palace, where they remained until evening without any one's daring to remove them; and Marcel with his fellows repaired to the mansion-house, and harangued from an open window the mob collected on the Place de Greve.

A great crowd of people assembled on the Greve; and thither the butchers came with their company of about twelve hundred persons, it is said.

"My lord of St. Pol," said the chancellor to him, "you have always passed for being the firmest lord in the realm; you must not belie yourself to-day, when you have more need than ever of firmness and courage;" and he read to him the decree which sentenced him to lose his head that very day on the Place de Greve.

After that, you will be conducted bareheaded and on foot to the Place de Greve, where your books will be burned before your eyes.

He rose quietly and went with them; the procession set out, and at about three arrived at the Place de Greve; where the stake was ready.

After these words, which were taken down by the clerk of the court, "and which I have here copied," says De Thou, Dubourg was taken on the 23d of December, in a tumbrel to the Place de Greve.

He underwent it on the 18th of March, 1563, in the Place de Greve, preserving to the very end that fierce energy of hatred and vengeance which had prompted his deed.

Three weeks before the battle, on the 13th of September, Coligny had been sentenced to death by the Parliament of Paris, and hanged in effigy on the Place de Greve; and a reward of fifty thousand gold crowns had been offered to whosoever should give him up to the king's justice dead or alive, words added, it is said, to the decree at the desire of Charles IX.

One single copy had arrived at Geneva it was this which was burned by the hand of the common hangman, nine days after the, burning at Paris in the Place de Greve.

He seized both, and executed both on the Place de Greve,the place of execution for the vilest malefactors.

Unfortunately in Tyrwhitt's text the description is nonsensical, 'The flowres and the greves like hie.' The daisy flowers are as high as the groves!

En lo sesoun qe l'erbe poynt E reverdist la matinée E sil oysel chauntent a poynt En temps d'avril en la ramée, Lores est ma dolur dublée Que jeo sui en si dure poynt Que jeo n'en ai de joie poynt, Tant me greve la destinée.

Murnes et pensif m'en depart, Que trop me greve la partie; Si n'en puis aler cele part, Que ele n'eyt a sa partie Mon quor tot enter saunz partie.

14 examples of  greve  in sentences